What Foods Make Us Feel Sleepy?

Certain foods and beverages promote energy, while others will cause individuals to search for the nearest spot to take a nap. While many know about the 'turkey coma,' which refers to the fact it is quite common to feel exhausted after a heavy meal, many are unaware it is not just large meals that cause exhaustion midday; seemingly healthy foods can cause drowsiness too. It turns out there are a variety of unexpected nutritious foods that diminish an individual's energy. If tiredness has been occurring after meals, individuals should consider limiting these foods during the day.

Sad Salads


Even though salads seem like the healthier option, some salads include a measly helping of iceberg lettuce, some shaved carrots, and Ranch dressing. Loading a bowl with vegetables and skipping protein and carbohydrates will not provide an individual with enough calories to power their body through the rest of the day. If one consumes a small two hundred-calorie serving of vegetables, it is not enough calories to provide the body with sufficient energy to remain active until the end of the day. Additionally, an individual's choice of dressing could be adding to the issue. Some dressings such as honey mustard or raspberry vinaigrette are high in added sugar, so consuming foods like these can often lead to an energy crash later. It is recommended to try a base salad consisting of vegetables like carrots, tomatoes, cucumber or peppers and leafy greens like kale or spinach, then add protein such as chicken or chickpeas that will provide slow-burning energy for the body. As for the dressing, try an extra virgin olive oil with salt and pepper as well as vinegar or lemon juice.

Read more about foods that make individuals feel quite tired now.

Milk, Cheese, and Yogurt


Dairy is one of the main culprits of fatigue. The proteins casein and whey in dairy become harder for individuals to process the older they get. Having intolerances to these proteins results in tiredness as one of the main symptoms. This is because the immune system builds an army of antibodies to fight these proteins, which results in fatigue. It is hard to cut dairy because a lot of processed foods unexpectedly contain dairy and proteins. For example, any product with caramel is likely to have milk additives in it. If individuals experience fatigue after consuming dairy, it is recommended for them to eliminate it from their diet entirely and then reintroduce one item at a time to see which one is causing problems.

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Honey is a superfood packed with numerous vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. But, despite its sugary sweet flavor, it actually makes individuals more sleepy than energized. Many swear by taking a spoonful or two of raw honey before bed to settle them down for the night. So, if an individual is trying to stay awake, it’s definitely a food to avoid. It’s all because of a series of chemical reactions triggered in the body and brain. Honey's natural sugars gently raise an individual's insulin, causing tryptophan to enter the brain. The tryptophan is converted to niacin, then serotonin, and finally to melatonin. As melatonin is the magical hormone that regulates sleep cycles, an individual's body will be feeling sleepy before they know it.

Get to know what kind of fruit can make individuals sleepy next.



Individuals who have ever felt sleepy after drinking a glass of wine should know the feeling isn’t just coming from the alcohol. The Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture found evidence of melatonin in everything from the roots to the fruits of grape vines. Apparently, melatonin helps the fruit withstand the hot summer sun by preventing shriveling. The levels of melatonin fluctuate throughout the day and night, so the amount of it in grapes may even differ depending on the time in the season or the time of day the fruit was picked. Regardless of how beneficial melatonin may be for the grapes, for humans, it makes us just plain tired. That's just another reason to hold off on the wine until the end of the day.

Read about what foods with magnesium can increase tiredness next.

Bananas And Nuts


Bananas are often prescribed as a natural fix for muscle pain because they are high in magnesium, a mineral that helps relax the muscles. Magnesium is also used to increase sleep. Nuts, particularly almonds, cashews, and peanuts are rich in magnesium, and therefore can result in drowsiness and relaxation. However, the dosage of magnesium that will cause sleepiness and fatigue are different for each individual. The body is more likely to feel stronger effects if it is running low on magnesium to begin with. If an individual is not deficient in magnesium, their body should tolerate eating bananas or nuts without experiencing these side effects. A few symptoms of a magnesium deficiency include loss of appetite, nausea, and fatigue.

Read more about what factors related to food can induce tiredness now.

Late Dinners


Late dinners are sometimes inevitable after a busy day. But just as the right foods can cause drowsiness, the wrong ones can result in a poor night's sleep. This is mainly because acidic foods typically consumed at dinners such as meat and dairy can lead to nighttime acid reflux. The stomach takes between two to three hours to digest food. If food is consumed within two hours of going to bed, it will still be in the individual's stomach and could cause some gastroesophageal reflux. However, if dealing with acid reflux is common, food should not be consumed for a minimum of four hours before going to bed. If consuming food before bed cannot be avoided due to a busy schedule, it is recommended to eat non-acidic, or alkaline, foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, which will not cause symptoms that will disrupt sleep.

Continue to reveal more fatigue-inducing foods now.

Sugary Or Fatty Indulgence


When an individual decides to have a well-deserved dessert, their body may not be able to handle it well and the individual may then experience a sugar crash and fatigue shortly after consuming the dessert. This is because the gastrointestinal tract adjusts to what is eaten. This means, if an individual is used to consuming a low-fat, low-sugar diet, their body produces less of the gastric juices and enzymes that assist in digesting sugar and fat quickly. This does not only result in digestive issues, but it also lowers energy after consumption.

Get to know more details about the foods that most commonly trigger extreme fatigue in individuals who consume them now.

Herbal Tea


Light, cozy, and soothing, herbal teas are the perfect pairing for individuals to unwind after a long day. But those hoping for an energy boost had better look elsewhere. Chamomile tea is the most renowned for its sleep-inducing properties. It contains an antioxidant called apigenin, which helps decrease anxiety and trigger sleep receptors in the brain. Lavender, lemon balm, and valerian root are other teas known for making individuals feel sleepy. Passionflower and magnolia bark teas are also powerful sleep aids. The warmth of the teas alone might just be enough to lull an individual to sleep. Caffeinated teas such as black tea, green tea, and especially matcha are better choices for those individuals seeking more energy. Some even argue with the antioxidants found in tea, it may be healthier than a cup of coffee.

Reveal more food culprits behind fatigue now.



Ever felt sleepy after eating a sandwich? According to the National Sleep Foundation, carbohydrates could be the culprit. Once ingested, the digestive system breaks down the carbohydrates in bread into sugar. The sugar enters the bloodstream causing an individual's energy levels to spike. However, this energized feeling is only temporary. The pancreas produces insulin, which promotes the absorption of blood sugar into the body’s cells. As the cells work to lower the individual's blood sugar, individuals may notice they are starting to feel a little sluggish. This energy crash is especially apparent when individuals eat processed foods because they digest much faster than foods with whole grains. Thus, individuals may want to swap out their white bread for a heartier whole grain loaf, as the carbohydrates will break down much slower and not give them as intense of a crash.

Find out about another food that can make so many feel tired now.



It’s a little ironic, but that bowl of oatmeal we look so forward to eating in the morning may be better suited for bedtime. Raw oats are made up of sixty-six percent carbohydrates, which means the body needs to produce insulin to get an individual's blood sugar to lower again. In addition, oats are naturally high in melatonin. This duo of carbohydrates and melatonin can be a recipe for a mid-morning or mid-day energy-crashing disaster. One way to combat fatigue is to choose one's oatmeal carefully. Larger, sturdier oats, such as steel-cut, take longer to digest and therefore let blood sugar increase and decrease more gradually. Ground or instant varieties digest much more rapidly, which can cause those dreaded energy spikes and crashes.

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