Great Routines That Really Pay Off Financially And Physically
Investing in preventive health solutions can seem expensive when factoring in the cost of gym memberships, organic food, genetic testing and natural therapies. However, the cost of prevention is far less financially, physically, and emotionally when considering how much it costs to treat disease and illness in the wake of health downturn and suffering for years. Here are four health investments for today, without breaking the bank with huge gains for tomorrow.
Eat Food In Its Natural Form
Eating a perfectly balanced diet all the time is unrealistic, however creating opportunities to eat whatever one wants about 20% of the time helps with eating well the remaining 80% of the time. For the 80%, aim to eat organic, whole foods focusing on vegetables and leafy greens. Eating at home helps with committing to a healthy diet and saving money. Plan meals and grocery shop accordingly to make it easier to stick a balanced eating plan. When organic food is on sale, buy extra to freeze and eat in soups, casseroles or baked goods. When occasionally eating out, seek out the restaurants in advance that cater to healthy diets, and stick to those places. If eating out socially at a party or bar, consider those to be part of the 20% meals.
Have An Accountability Partner
Part of creating new health habits is to commit to doing them. Half of the battle is in showing up. Having an accountability partner to help motivate to develop new habits is powerful. An accountability partner can keep goals in mind, listen to any frustrations and even join in on this new path to get healthy. Being a support for someone else can also be motivating, especially for those that enjoy helping others. It could be a best friend, spouse or people from a local meet-up group. The best part is that an accountability partner is free. However, if someone who is a good fit is difficult to find, consider paying a life or fitness coach who has had success in helping others reach their goals.
Do Lots Of Research
There is no shortage of free information online and at the local library when it comes to health and wellness. With the diverse range of health bloggers, there is sure to be someone’s perspective and experience that one can relate to. The advantage of following people whose health struggles and goals are relatable is that it can be motivating to read about their success stories. It can be something to aspire to when motivation runs thin. Keep in mind many bloggers and online writers are not medical professionals. When seeking scientific facts, research and professional guidance, consider searching for scholarly articles, or online medical journals with articles written by medical professionals. There are also many health and wellness seminars and courses online offered by alternative medicine professionals.
Use Technology For Health
Recording health data from our heart rates to how many steps we take to how much sleep we get is easier than ever. Apps that can be downloaded straight to smartphones and wearable technology can monitor and motivate us on our health journey. In 2016, as much as 46 percent of Americans had adopted digital health tools such as telemedicine and wearable gadgets, up from 19 percent the previous year. Most health tracking apps are downloadable for free (or a small fee) and often come with customizable settings. When the budget allows, consider paying for other health tools such as tests that can give early warnings of vitamin deficiencies, food intolerances, or even identify an individual's risk of developing certain diseases.