How To Treat Bladder Cancer Effectively
Bladder cancer is a malignancy that occurs in the muscular, hollow organ that holds urine until it is expelled from the body. Bladder cancer happens when the bladder cells incur damage to the part of their DNA that dictates cellular growth, replication, and apoptosis. Tobacco use, chemical exposure, radiation exposure, chronic bladder lining irritation, and parasitic infections can all cause bladder cancer to develop. An individual affected by bladder cancer can experience symptoms of pelvic pain, hematuria, frequent urination, and back pain. There are a few classifications of bladder cancer. Urothelial carcinoma happens in the cells that form the bladder lining that stretches when filling with urine. Squamous cell carcinoma often occurs as a result of chronic bladder irritation. Adenocarcinoma develops in mucus-secreting bladder gland cells. Bladder cancer may be diagnosed with biopsy, cystoscopy, urine cytology, x-rays, and CT urogram.