Guide To The Prevention And Treatment Of Measles
Measles is a dangerous and highly contagious viral respiratory infection. An individual who has contracted measles will not have any symptoms until between seven and fourteen days after the first contact with the measles virus. Individuals infected with measles will first experience a runny nose, red eyes, hacking cough, and high fever. Between three and five days after symptoms begin, a rash on the skin begins to manifest, typically starting as flat, blotchy red spots on the forehead. The rash then spreads to the face, and then down the torso, arms, and legs. As long as measles symptoms are present in infected individuals, they are contagious. Because measles is caused by a virus, there is no way to cure it. The virus has to run its course, and treatment focuses on supportive measures. Thankfully, there are numerous ways measles can be prevented.