What Are The Different Types Of Stroke?
Stroke is a condition where an individual's brain becomes deprived of its blood supply due to an artery that ruptures or becomes obstructed. This mechanism causes the cells within the brain tissues to begin to die. Numerous risk factors can cause an individual to be more susceptible to a stroke than others, including a family history of stroke, inactive lifestyle, being overweight, and being an age older than 55 years. Symptoms of a stroke include headache, vomiting, difficulty walking, dizziness, face numbness, numbness in extremities, vision problems, problems with bladder control, bowel control problems, face droopiness, and arm weakness. The onset of a stroke is rapid, making it difficult to diagnose before it occurs. Blood tests, CT scans, MRI scans, carotid ultrasound, cerebral angiogram, blood tests, and echocardiograms are used to diagnose a stroke. Stroke treatment is dependent on the type of stroke an individual has.