Risk Factors For Premature Atrial Contractions
Premature atrial contractions happen when there is an extra heartbeat that originates in the atria. They are the most prevalent type of cardiac arrhythmia, or irregularity of the heart rhythm, in the world today. Most individuals experience premature atrial contractions on occasion, however, excessive premature atrial contractions can become a life-threatening medical issue. Normal electrical signals in the heart that prompt it to contract will come from the sinus node, however, premature atrial contractions do not come from the sinus node and cause a disruption in the regular sinus rhythm of the heart. Individuals who frequently experience premature atrial contractions will describe them as feeling like their heart skipped a beat; this is due to how the heart essentially resets the sinus node, producing a pause prior to the next normal heart contraction. Learn about the risk factors for premature atrial contractions now.