Common Symptoms Of Sensory Processing Disorder
Sensory processing disorder (SPD) is marked by either an overactive or underactive response to everyday sensory stimuli. Its severity can range from mild to genuinely debilitating and can affect one or multiple senses in an individual. SPD affects the way the brain receives messages from the body’s sensory systems. An individual with this condition may find everyday sensations intolerable, painful or distressing. Some patients are under-sensitive and instead appear to not notice or respond to sensory stimuli. The same individual can be both over-responsive and under-responsive across different senses. Hypersensitivities or under-responsiveness can create significant problems with daily activities. Occupational therapy treatments can potentially help retrain the brain’s response to these mixed messages and lessen the impact of sensory processing disorder in everyday life. Get to know the hallmark symptoms of sensory processing disorder now.