How To Treat Dysgraphia
Dysgraphia is a learning disability characterized by decreased fine motor skills that affect handwriting and other skills like tying shoes. The Greek prefix 'dys' means difficulty or impairment and the root word 'graphia' means writing by hand. Other basic skills compromised by dysgraphia include correct spelling, mastery of grammar rules, and the organization of thoughts needed for successful outlining and writing. Three types of dysgraphia have been identified. Language-based dysgraphia involves impairment in the capacity to change phonetic sounds to written communication. Dyslexia is a specific language-based dysgraphia where words or letters may be read backward or left out. Non-language type dysgraphia is based on a physical inability of the fine muscles to move the pencil correctly to produce letters and words. Discover how to treat dysgraphia effectively.