Common Causes And Risk Factors For Gingivitis
When plaque accumulates on the teeth and under the gums, it hardens into a substance called tartar that extends below the gum surface and causes the development of a bacterial infection. This bacterial infection causes the inflammation of the gums, or what is referred to as gum disease and gingivitis. Symptoms of gingivitis include red gums, bleeding when brushing the teeth, loose teeth, gums that have pulled away from the teeth, tender gums, pain when chewing, swollen gums, bleeding when flossing, pus between the teeth and gums, foul-smelling breath, malocclusion, poorly fitting partial dentures, and sensitive teeth. Diagnosis of gingivitis is made with gum measurements, mouth x-rays, and an oral examination. Treatment of gingivitis may include deep cleaning the teeth with the use of scaling, root planing, and laser techniques. Treatment may also include the use of antiseptic and antibiotic medications.