Symptoms Of Acute Sinusitis
A common cold is an illness that affects many individuals throughout the year, though it is especially prevalent during the winter because the virus thrives in a cold environment. The cold virus is easily spread, and the droplets from a sick person's sneezes and coughs are very contagious. The cold can worsen and cause other complications and illnesses. One such complication is acute sinusitis. When cold symptoms linger and worsen, a sinus infection can easily develop. Sinusitis sets in when the tiny sacs in your nasal passage become irritated and swollen for an extended length of time. When this happens, a series of adverse effects can affect your body. Get to know these symptoms now.
Nasal Congestion

Nasal congestion occurs when there is a buildup of fluids in the nasal region. The nasal region consists of the external nose and two nasal cavities located internally on each side of the nose. When the retention remains stagnant with nowhere for it to go, the nose becomes stuffed up and congestion sets in. Nasal congestion can make it difficult to breathe properly. The discomfort can be alleviated by draining the excess fluid, such as through the use of nasal irrigation techniques. Nasal irrigation can be very effective because it thins out the mucus and clears the congestion. Other popular methods of relieving congestion are humidifiers and nasal saline sprays. It is also important to stay hydrated and to take warm, steamy baths, as they can clear up the congestion.
Learn more about the signs of sinusitis now.
A Sore Throat

This symptom develops when post-nasal drip trickles down to the throat. Post-nasal drip is the excess mucus from the nasal area. When mucus drains downward, the throat becomes sore because the body is working hard to fight off the infection.
Thankfully, it is possible to alleviate the pain of a sore throat. For instance, you can gargle with salt and warm water. The salt in salt water draws out the mucus of inflamed tissues, thus reducing the swelling. Lozenges can alleviate a swollen and irritated throat as well, as they give the throat much-needed lubrication, which lessens painful, dry coughing caused by sore throats. Taking a warm bath is comforting too. The moisture from a steamy bath or shower will reduce the swelling in the throat and ease the pain.
Learn more about spotting sinusitis now.
Mucus Discharge

This symptom is also known as nasal discharge. When the interior of the nose becomes inflamed and congested, the passageways constrict, and the excess mucus flows downward and out. The discharge is fluid that comes out of the nose and can be clear, green, or yellow. There are two types of nasal discharge textures: slimy and thick or runny and thin. Mucus is often produced because it works to catch and stop any bacteria and other germs from traveling to other parts of the body. To treat mucus discharge, the use of saline nasal sprays, expectorants, nasal irrigation, decongestants, and antihistamines are useful. Popular treatments like expectorants help thin out the mucus while other like antihistamines work to dry up the mucus.
Keep reading for more symptoms of acute sinusitis.

This symptom is often attributed to the sinuses being blocked and not being able to drain the buildup. Since the sinuses are obstructed, the nasal area starts to breed more bacteria causing an abundance of mucus. The buildup of the mucus can cause feelings of intense pressure, which can contribute to throbbing aches in the head behind the eyes, around the face, and around the upper teeth. Head pain can also be caused by tiny infection-fighting molecules called cytokines, which the immune system releases to fight off the symptoms of the infection, but as a result, it can produce inflammation. Home remedies like the usage of nasal irrigation systems can help because they work to thin out the mucus buildup and relieve tension around the sinus area.
Continue to reveal the next symptom of acute sinusitis.

Pain in the ear can happen when excess mucus builds up from the nasal cavity and drips into the part of the ear called the eustachian tubes, located by the middle ear. When the extra fluid has limited places to drain out of, the eustachian tubes are one place it goes to. The middle ear can become infected and inflamed when the bacteria-ridden drainage is exposed to such a sensitive spot in the ear. There are some methods of alleviating the pain and pressure that earaches cause, particularly when the eustachian tubes are involved, such as the surgical insertion of drainage tubes as well as steaming over a pot of hot water with a towel over the back of the head.