Guide To Daily Eye Health & Safety

Because our eyes are one of our major sensory organs, it is important to treat them with continuous care throughout our lives. Though our eyesight may change and even naturally weaken as we age, there are many actions we can take to maintain eye health and ensure strong vision. The following article will guide you through some of the easiest ways you can care for your eyes. For most individuals, maintaining proper eye health means monitoring usage of technology, proper nutrition, wearing sunglasses, and maintaining good hygiene while handling the eye region. If you are someone concerned about eye health, always schedule routine appointments with your eye doctor to discuss proper eye care and ensure strong vision throughout your life.

Turn Away From Computer Screens


Computer screens are almost ubiquitous these days. However, to maintain eye health, it’s important to limit our time in front of electronic screens, especially those producing blue light. Computers, televisions, mobile phones, and even e-readers can cause eye strain. These devices cause eye strain because can cause us to squint, narrow our focus, and limit our depth perception. Furthermore, we should turn away from computer screens occasionally because they emit blue light. In addition to keeping you awake at night and limiting opportunities to rest and recover your eyes, electronic screens can cause your eyes to dry out and become bloodshot with repeated exposure.

Because computer screens are almost an unavoidable part of modern life, both prescription and non-prescription glasses have been created that can shield your eyes from up to fifty percent of harmful blue light and up to twenty percent of blue light that can affect your sleep cycle. Whenever watching or looking at a computer screen, try to take a break every twenty minutes. Looking at a faraway object while taking a break can also help restore your focus and protect your vision.

Continue reading to learn how food can help with eye health.

Eat Food To Protect Sight


It is important to maintain a healthy, balanced diet that encourages us to eat food to protect sight. Foods rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene are among the best foods to consume to keep our eyes properly nourished with the right vitamins and minerals. Carrots, nuts, leafy greens, salmon, lean proteins, sweet potatoes, and beans are among the most recommended to protect our vision and keep our eyes functioning properly. Always drink plenty of water to remain adequately hydrated, especially if you are prone to dry or bloodshot eyes. When you orient your diet towards keeping your eyes at optimum health, you will notice stronger vision both during daylight and nighttime hours in addition to as you age.

Continue reading to learn why eye exams are the best for optimal eye health.

Have Regular Eye Exams


Most optometrists will recommend individuals make an appointment at least once every two years to monitor vision, analyze eye health, and discuss any other concerns. If you require glasses, note your prescription changes over time. If you really like your frames, it may be possible to maintain your style, but the lenses need to be changed based on your prescription. When you have regular eye exams, your optometrist can also perform tests to evaluate eye pressure, analyze your risk of developing cataracts or glaucoma, and offer other suggestions for eye health. Eye exams also give patients the opportunity to raise concerns regarding anything about their eyes that may be bothersome or concerning. Optometrists can prescribe and recommend over the counter medications that can help alleviate any symptoms.

Continue reading to learn how sunglasses are healthy for the eyes.

Wear Sunglasses Outside


While most of us enjoy a bright and sunny day, it’s important to make an effort to shield our eyes and protect them from the damaging effects of the sun. We need to wear sunglasses outside because the sun produces UV rays, which can result in cataracts, macular degeneration, and pterygium after repeated, unprotected exposure. Cataracts are almost the equivalent of callous within the eye lens. They create the appearance of a whitish film over the iris, and they can cloud vision and even lead to partial blindness when untreated. Macular degeneration causes damage to the retina, the part of the eye responsible for sending signals to the brain for processing vision. Pterygium is the partial growth of tissue over the whites of the eye that can cause astigmatism, an unnatural curving of the eyeball. When you wear sunglasses offering UV protection, you protect your eyes from any long-term health risks, allowing you to enjoy gorgeous days outdoors and at the beach without consequence.

Continue reading to discover yet another tip for daily eye health and safety.

Clean Hands And Contacts


Unless you have something stuck in your eye that needs to be washed out, there really is no reason to touch your eyes with your fingers or other objects. Wearing contact lenses will probably be the only additional exception to this rule. Make sure that whenever you touch your eyes, you wash your hands thoroughly to prevent dirt, bacteria, and even parasites from entering through this mucous membrane. When your hands are not clean, you risk causing unnecessary irritation, scratching delicate parts of the eye, or putting yourself at risk for a serious infection.

If you wear contact lenses, always wash your hands and soak your contact lenses in solution to disinfect them and protect your eyes. Do not leave your contact lenses in your eyes for extended periods or sleep with them in your eyes. Furthermore, if your eyes are already irritated, do not try to force wearing contacts and rely on a backup pair of glasses to promote healing. It's essential to maintain clean hands and contacts to support optimal eye health.