Sure Signs You Have A Relationship Built To Last

You believe you’ve found 'the one'; the love of your life, the only person you want to build a life with, the one who shares your dreams and supports your personal and professional goals. Naturally, you want your relationship to last and withstand any obstacles life throws at you two lovebirds, right? If so, look for these definite signs and qualities the right partner for you should possess to keep your relationship strong, stable, and thriving!

You Have Mutual Respect


No relationship can thrive - or even survive for that matter - without mutual respect for each other. No explanation is truly necessary, but where there is no respect, there is no love. Respect includes being receptive and respecting your significant other’s emotions, opinions, autonomy, and life goals, which are fundamental elements for a lasting, and more importantly, healthy relationship. Respect is the very foundation for creating honesty, trust, friendship, intimacy, and love for your partner, which all grows from it. As the golden rule states, "treat others the way you would want to be treated." To put it simply, respect your partner the way you want them to respect you. If you have no respect for each other and your mental and physical well-being, how do you expect to thrive as a couple? You can’t, hence why respect is the primary element of every solid, long-lasting relationship.

Keep reading to discover another building block to a long-lasting relationship.

You Have Faith In Each Other


Not only do you have faith in each other and that you both will stay committed to your relationship, but you have confidence in yourself too. One of the most vital aspects of a successful relationship is to have faith in each other and to remain faithful and loyal no matter the circumstance, which will keep the relationship secure and stable. Having faith includes knowing your partner will always be there for you, through the joyful and challenging times, but also that they will not cheat on you, whether it is physically or emotionally, and fully committing yourself to that one person and nobody else. If you have faith in each other and loyalty is something you both highly respect and follow, your relationship is destined to remain healthy and stable, and more than likely will last a lifetime.

Next, find out why trust is essential in any healthy relationship.

You Trust Your Partner


Trust - another essential element in a healthy relationship - is when both partners have mutual trust in each other that they will always honestly communicate with each other and not lie, cheat, or betray one another. Without trust in a relationship, what do you have? It is one of the fundamental building blocks of a stable and long-term relationship. Therefore it is critical both of you have trust in each other, as well as yourselves that you are not going to destroy it. Here’s the hard truth: power couples have each other's backs, they do not keep secrets, and they behave in ways that better not just themselves, but the relationship as well. So, if you want to be a power couple like Barack and Michelle, maybe invest time into building fundamental trust within each other.

It is also important to remember if you truly trust each other, your partner going out with their friends will be no issue. If you cannot let them have their own separate life from you regarding friends and hobbies without continually questioning their fidelity, you might want to reevaluate your relationship. Generally speaking, partners who lack trust in their significant other are usually projecting their own insecurities or infidelities onto them. Therefore, you should be aware of some of these signs!

Next, let's unearth why having an honest dialogue with each other is the key to success.

Strong Communication Is Vital To Success


No relationship can survive without open and honest communication, which is another building block for a resilient and healthy relationship that can stand the test of time. When communication begins to break down, it often signals the relationship is breaking down as well, hence why a relationship with open dialogue between both partners is essential. Both partners need to be comfortable enough to share their emotions, wishes and desires, their opinions, and even the stuff that bothers them without the fear of judgment. Experts agree couples who can effectively communicate are able to understand one another better and experience a greater intimacy that solidifies and strengthens the bond they share. It’s not just about sharing; you also have to be receptive and truly listen to what your partner is telling you.

Continue reading to find out how acceptance is liberating in any solid relationship.

You Accept & Don’t Judge Each Other


Everyone has a past and has made mistakes in their life they are not proud of. However, having a compassionate and accepting partner who accepts all of your imperfections, regrets, and life choices you have made is a clear sign you have a strong relationship, and someone wonderful in your life, who could turn out to be your ‘soulmate.' Whether you share the same passions, hobbies, and goals as your partner or not, having a significant other who truly cares about you and wants you to succeed in life is a profound thing.

Your partner should be your biggest cheerleader, your backbone when life gets rough, and the one person who should continuously support you in all of your endeavors, and not be the one standing in the way of you achieving your goals. The right person will support and encourage you on your journey to becoming the person you are meant to be, as well as they will love you for who you are in the present moment, without judgment. A loving relationship is about lifting the other person up, not tearing them down. If your relationship sounds like this, you are well on your way to building a fulfilling love that is meant to last.

Next, learn how having your own hobbies and friends is actually good for your love life.

You Have Separate Lives


No, this doesn’t entail you going out and having relationships with other individuals or an open relationship (unless that’s what you’re into). However, it is necessary for a successful relationship to have some breathing room. This means you do not have to be with your partner every second of the day, but rather, go and live your own life separate from them. Pursue new hobbies or indulge in your passions, find a career path you enjoy, spending time with your friends (and not just theirs), and spending alone time with yourself is not only necessary for self-care, but allows you to grow as an individual and focus on your own needs too. As long as trust and respect have been established and your significant other supports your choices, then go for it and actively pursue your own goals. Let’s face it, if you’re together all the time it could lead to disagreements and fights and both of you getting under each other's skin, which can break down the relationship. Besides, as the old saying goes, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Keep reading to find out how compromising can save your relationship.

You’re Willing To Compromise For Each Other


Naturally, you should be compatible with your mate, but that does not mean you’re going to love and agree with everything they do, and vice versa - this is where compromise comes into play. Compromise doesn’t necessarily mean you give up your opinion or stance in favor of your partner’s because they’ve persuaded you, or worse, bullied you into seeing their perspective. It means both parties come to a common middle ground where you both are satisfied with the outcome of a situation. Compromise is key in a healthy relationship because if one partner is getting their way for everything, it could easily create resentment and hostility between both partners, which can quickly doom your love.

The thing is, if you truly care and respect your significant other and their happiness, then you would be willing to ensure they remain happy, even if it means you do not get everything you want. Essentially, compromise is necessary for an equal balance between both partner’s needs and wants to keep each other happy and satisfied, not only with the small disagreements but with the bigger issues as well.

Next, find out how sharing common goals can make your relationship stronger than ever.

You Both Share Common Goals


You want to get married, start a family together, and have a house in a quiet neighborhood in a good school district are all examples of common goals most couples can have. Some couples also want to explore the world together or reach career goals independently but with each other, or get fit together. No matter what the goal is, the key to a sustainable relationship is having common goals both of you are striving for to achieve together. Even if your goals are not the same, they are complementary to each other and both parties are able to support each other with their personal growth. Essentially, your goals work together to make your lives together harmonious.

The thing is you can’t always expect your partner to have the same goals for the future as you do, but it is reasonable to have some common ground and goal you both are working towards to build a life together. When there is no common ground or mutual goal, but one partner is constantly striving for personal development, and the other partner is content and doesn’t want to change, this can easily breed resentment and tension over time.

Continue reading to discover how intimacy is more than just sex, but a deeper connection between two individuals.

Intimacy Is Alive & Thriving


Intimacy doesn’t just involve sex, but rather a deeper connection and understanding of your significant other that is satisfying for both partners. Not only should the physical intimacy you share with your partner make both parties feel desired, loved, and generally good about themselves and the relationship - but it also shouldn’t be one-sided. Having mutual physical intimacy that is satisfying for both partners is a fantastic way to know your partnership is on track for success.

However, this goes beyond just intercourse and involves intimacy and your bond in a variety of ways, such as affectionately greeting each other with a kiss and hug, holding hands when you’re out in public, or cuddling on the couch. These are all simple ways to build intimacy that creates a strong connection between both partners. Even just thinking about your partner and appreciating them in small ways can make a dramatic difference, and communicate to them that you do love them and think about them throughout your day. Remember, if you treat your partner as well as you treated them when you started dating, the relationship is bound to last and continue to thrive!

Next, learn how a little effort can go a long way in a relationship.

You Both Put In Effort


Real relationships are hard work, and if anyone tells you any differently, they probably have never been in a long-term relationship. This doesn’t mean a mutual bond between two people can’t be easy to establish and maintain. However, no two people are the same or have the same journey to take. A lasting relationship that can withstand any obstacle in its course will require effort from both partners to make it work, and not just be one-sided. If both partners can endure money difficulties, illnesses, family issues, or life-altering experiences that result in high levels of stress, and continue to show support and love towards each other proves the relationship is destined to last.

The small things you do for your partner also mean the most and is a beautiful way to continue to put effort into the relationshipand show your partner that you love them without a special occasion prompting you to do so. The truth is thatgreat partnerships are not just about give and take but about give and give, meaning you consistently give and support each other, not just continually ending up in a power struggle, questioning if you truly are appreciated and loved. By continuous doing little things for your significant other to show them you love and care about them, you’re keeping the spark alive and allowing your relationship to thrive.