Brain Damaging Habits You Should Definitely Avoid

The human brain is the control system for all of the different activities that occur in the human body. Similar to the heart, the brain is one of the most vital organs in the body and it stores all information and experiences since birth. Being that it is such a vital organ, it is crucial to keep one's brain as healthy as possible. However, quite a few daily habits, even some surprising ones, cause harm and sometimes permanent damage to the brain. For the brain to remain healthy and function properly, it is crucial to avoid the following major brain-damaging habits whenever possible.

Excessive Sugar Intake


Since the sugar content is high in a variety of foods consumed daily, it has become easier to achieve excessive sugar consumption. Consuming excessive amounts of sugar is associated with many adverse health impacts, ranging from obesity and diabetes to more serious health conditions like cancer. Due to this issue not being addressed, individuals still consume sugar in excess either knowingly or unknowingly. Aside from the health conditions listed, sugar is also known to cause brain damage over time when it is consumed in excess. When there are large amounts of sugar in the bloodstream, it prevents the body from absorbing proteins and nutrients consumed. This results in slowing brain development due to the brain not getting the required nutrients to continue natural evolvement. It is best to avoid foods high in sugar or switching to natural sugars.

Get the details on more habits that can damage the brain now.

Skipping Breakfast


As repetitive as it may sound, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Unfortunately, many individuals tend to skip it and choose to consume a heavier lunch instead. Breakfast is crucial after a night of sleep as it assists in preparing the body for energy-consuming activities and tasks throughout the day. In the morning, humans have already spent more than six hours in bed without any food. The food and nutrients consumed at dinner or during a late-night snack have already been used to sustain the body throughout the night. Therefore, the body wakes up requiring fuel even when hunger does not seem to be present. It is very simple: the body needs energy to keep going. This is why it is crucial to make breakfast an important part of every morning. If breakfast continues to be skipped over an extended period, the brain deteriorates due to lacking the essential nutrients it requires to develop and function appropriately.

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It is often said women are better at multi-tasking than men. Women sometimes tease their male partners about their ability to multi-task. However, it has been proven those individuals who choose to multitask more frequently were more likely to physically harm the brain by hindering brain development than those who do not. This is because of the brain's gray matter, which is responsible for emotional control, decision-making, and empathy, as it tends to shrink during multitasking. To avoid this harm, one is recommended to stick to one task at a time during daily activities. This will not only increase work performance but also protect the brain from a lot of troubles.

Keep reading for more information on what habits can damage the brain.

Conversing Rarely


It has been proven that individuals who rarely talk and interact with others will suffer from negative impacts in the brain. This is because when one is not actively engaging in conversation, the brain cells tend to become dormant causing the brain the shrink. However, if one is participating in an intellectual discussion, it is assisting in expanding the mind with knowledge. This is essential for brain development and growth as processing information and thinking, as it is similar to our brain as exercise is to our bodies. The deeper the thought process, the more the brain muscles are used, and the better the brain develops. Reading a book is recommended to keep the brain active.

Discover more brain-damaging habits now.

Sleep Deprivation


Sleep is a vital part of the body’s physical and mental health. This is because while we sleep, a lot of beneficial things occur in the body. The immune system strengthens, tissue and skin renew, energy is restored, muscles relax, and blood pressure drops. It has also been proven that during sleep, the brain cleanses itself by removing toxins that might have built up in the brain during the day. When sleep deprivation occurs, it means these beneficial processes crucial for health do not take place, thus causing damage to the brain and other parts of the body. `It can also lead to the increased loss of brain cells leading to early memory loss or Alzheimer’s disease. This is why having a full night of sleep, of roughly eight hours per day, is fundamental to maintaining the brain healthy and active.

Get familiar with more habits that are harmful to the brain now.

Covering The Head While Sleeping


It has been shown a significant percentage of individuals like to cover their heads during a cold night while they sleep. However, it is not at all recommended. When the head is covered with a pillow or blanket during sleep, a buildup of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs in the covered area. When oxygen and carbon dioxide are mixed and inhaled, it leads to damaging effects on the brain. Due to the larger amount of carbon dioxide being produced and inhaled, the brain experiences negative impacts to the brain and body. Since oxygen is crucial for humans, it is essential not to cover the head and perhaps to sleep in a warmer room to minimize this risk.

Learn more about what habits can greatly harm the brain now.



Overeating causes a lot of negative health impacts such as weight gain, bloating, and overall low self-esteem. However, it has also been proven to decrease in brainpower. This is because when overeating occurs, the brain’s arteries harden, causing slower brain function. It is best to avoid overeating as much as possible. One of the ways to prevent overeating throughout the day is to try eating a healthy breakfast to start the day. Individuals will also want to consider implementing practices such as meal planning and portion control, which will both greatly reduce the likelihood of them overeating regularly.

Uncover more information regarding the brain-damaging habits everyone should avoid now.

Not Drinking Enough Water


Not drinking enough water is a habit that can lead to serious physical repercussions. When individuals don't drink enough water, they can become dehydrated. Dehydration comes on more quickly and more seriously for individuals who live in hot climates. Water is needed to regulate every process in the body. Most notably, water is necessary to clean the kidneys, which in turn filter toxins from an individual's blood. A recent study indicated dehydration causes mental decline as well as physical issues. In this study, when individuals engaged in a vigorous activity without drinking water, they had a markedly decreased ability to concentrate. The concentration issues were most noticeable when they took tests that were monotonous or required attention to detail. Coordination and complex problem-solving were particularly affected.

Uncover more brain damaging habits to avoid now.

Frequent And Prolonged Stress


Everyone has to deal with some level of stress every day, but frequent and prolonged stress can lead to brain damage. Chronic stress increases an individual's susceptibility to mental illness, and it can worsen the effects of already-existing mental illness. Stress also changes the function and structure of the brain. The brain produces myelin, a protective coating that helps speed up neuron connections. But patients with chronic stress produce too much myelin, and not only does this cause short-term issues, but it also causes long-term changes to the brain's structure. Another study indicated prolonged stress could kill new neurons formed in the hippocampus. This portion of the brain is associated with learning, memory, and emotion. Frequent stress can also lead to shrinking in the parts of the brain that regulate memory, metabolism, and emotions.

Learn more about habits to avoid for brain health now.

Excessive Use Of Electronics


Excessive use of electronics can lead to issues with brain health. This is particularly important when the electronics use is an addictive behavior. Researchers have discovered individuals can become addicted to the internet and gaming. Addiction is different from overuse because it is a mental illness, and it can be one of multiple unhealthy coping mechanisms. In individuals with gaming and internet addiction, multiple studies indicate the brain's gray matter begins to atrophy. The frontal lobe was affected, leading to impairment in executive functioning. In addition, the striatum had lower volume. This part of the brain suppresses socially inappropriate impulses and creates reward pathways. The brain's white matter was also compromised, becoming 'spotty.' In turn, this caused the brain to have trouble with communication. Gaming and internet addicts have also been shown to have reduced cortical thickness, which causes cognitive impairment.

Continue reading to reveal more habits that are damaging to the brain now.

Overexerting While Sick


Overexerting oneself while sick might lead to problems with the brain. In general, overexertion has been linked to cognitive decline. One study showed participants who overexerted themselves frequently tended to experience age-related cognitive decline more quickly and severely than those who didn't overwork themselves. Participants who worked forty hours a week performed significantly better on tests than participants who worked fifty-five hours a week, especially as several years went by. When individuals try to do mental and physical tasks simultaneously, they activate more areas of the brain than if they were doing physical tasks alone. This can lead to mental exhaustion much more quickly. When sick, the patient's body and brain are already vulnerable. Patients need to let them rest or they may not heal the way they should.

Get more information on brain-damaging habits to avoid now.

Not Getting Enough Fresh Air


Not getting enough fresh air can lead to cognitive impairment for a number of reasons. A lack of fresh air can reduce the amount of oxygen entering the brain, leading to fatigue and drowsiness. It can also cause mood problems like depression and irritability. Some individuals also experience a dullness of mind, in which their cognitive function is negatively impacted. Fresh air has been shown to improve mood and productivity. Circulating fresh air through a workplace also decreases the survival of viruses and bacteria in the air. When a building uses a recirculated air system, it leads to higher levels of carbon dioxide and lower oxygen levels. Other effects include indoor pollution. On the other hand, outside air might be contaminated by pollutants like city smog and exhaust fumes. For individuals living in areas with heavy pollution, it may be best to bring fresh air in through a filtration system.