The Most Common Guilty Pleasures

Everyone needs some downtime now and then to pamper themselves or engage in a behavior that is not always considered the most productive use of time. These indulgences are known as guilty pleasures and everyone has at least one they give in to on a regular basis. Here are some of the more common ones many people seem to share.

10. Reality TV

Treat Yourself Chocolate Candy Bar Indulgence

What started as just a few shows, seems to now be over-taking television sets everywhere. Between Survivor, The Bachelor, American Idol, and countless others, there are reality shows on almost every network and they come in a wide variety of forms. Topics range from dating, extreme sports, baking, or crazy competitions, so viewers are guaranteed to find at least one show targeted towards their preferred niche.

Reality television is fine to indulge in, as long as one does not lose their grip on actual reality. It can affect a person’s perception on life if it becomes an obsession and, despite claims of being completely genuine, most reality shows have a lot of manipulation going on behind the scenes.

9. Romance Books Or Movies

Literally love

It is rare to find a person who does not daydream once in awhile about other ways their love life could go. Even those who see a committed relationship as a distant goal will find themselves thinking up romantic scenarios from time to time. The best way to explore a different mindset of this type is by engaging in a romantic movie or book.

Despite their commonly unrealistic plot lines, romantic comedies and trashy novels always seem to find their way into the lives of many people. Exploring outlandish possibilities and letting one’s mind enter a place where everyone gets a happy ending to their story offers a nice break from any routine.

8. Belting Out The Tunes

Singing housewife at home

Music is known for its expressive nature and finding a song to relate to can help a person get through all kinds of tough situations. Whether it is a break-up, getting fired from work, or just an altogether bad day, there seems to be a song out there for every life scenario.

Whether alone in the house, making a solo road trip, or locked away in the shower, singing top hits at loud volumes is always a great way to relieve stress. It forces the brain to focus on something other than daily responsibilities and singing is known for calming the mind. It can quickly boost one’s mood and help to re-energize anyone. Belt it out to help release the tension, then keep pushing forward.

7. Over-Indulging On Snacks

Over eating

While maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important in keeping the mind and body strong, splurging every now and then can actually be good for you. Everyone has foods they find themselves avoiding, due to their unhealthy qualities, but eating them occasionally will not hurt your diet and it offers a nice temporary boost in mood.

That being said, finding the right balance is important. Over-eating on a constant basis will only cause harm and tends to encourage negative moods and life outlooks. Yet, deprivation can have these same negative side effects, so no one should feel too guilty for grabbing a cookie (or two or three) every once in awhile.

6. Calling In Sick

Young sick or unwell man in bed calling doctor

Engaging in the same routine day after day can be wearing. Maintaining a good reputation at work is important, but calling in sick once in a blue moon will not cause any harm. Taking a day off to scratch off an at-home to-do list or to spend the day relaxing allows the brain and body a chance to rest and recharge.

Rare days off are okay to take, but overindulging in this habit will not only affect the paycheck. It also affects how one’s work ethic is viewed and can hinder the ability to obtain good employer references. Also, when one person calls in, the rest of the team suffers. Take that well-deserved day off, then be ready to start again the next day with a relaxed and refreshed outlook.

5. People Watching

Two women spying

People spend a lot of time worrying about what they need to get done for the day and mulling over life situations they typically have little control over. Getting caught up in daily stresses is hard to avoid, which is why looking into the lives of others is a favorite guilty pleasure of many. By observing others, a person can allow themselves a temporary escape from their own worries.

It can be healthy to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and it helps decrease the high levels of self-absorption that too many people in today’s world face. It allows one to consider new perspectives on life and looking into someone else’s world may change the way one views their own.

4. Celebrity Gossip

Entertainment Magazines

There are countless shows and magazines that focus entirely on keeping the public up-to-date on what is going on in the world of celebrities. Since many say they do not care what their favorite actor is eating for lunch or what the newest Victoria’s Secret model does in her work-outs, the number of people who actually read celebrity articles may be surprising.

Resisting the urge to click on those links promising juicy gossip is not always easy to do, and reading up on the world of celebs every once in awhile will do no harm in the long run. Keeping it to a minimum is probably wise, though, and it is important to maintain a firm grasp on reality.

3. Binge-Watching A Series

Couple Watching TV

As Netflix rises in popularity, it becomes much more normal to hear that friends or co-workers spent the evening binge-watching their favorite show. With the ability to play one episode right after the other, commercial-free, the urge to keep watching just one more becomes hard to resist.

This is another indulgence that is fine in moderation, but if every night is spent watching hours upon hours of television, it would be wise to take a break. Too much screen time means an increased risk for vision problems and can eventually lead to some painful headaches. On top of that, maintaining regular social interaction is important for mind and body health.

2. Bubble Baths

Woman Relaxing In Bubble Filled Bath

Bubble baths are great for those times when peace and quiet is needed. When all other areas of life become a bit overwhelming, many find that locking themselves away in the bathroom and soaking in the tub for an evening offers a much-needed escape. Baths offer a great opportunity to relax and zone out for a while.

This private time often brings guilt to those with families or a to-do list that is miles long. Although it may feel like other parts of life are being put on the back burner, spending some time relaxing in a bubble bath should not be something to beat yourself up over. Breaks allow the chance to reboot the mind and body, which everyone needs from time to time.

1. Procrastinating

A green monster procrastinating beside a signboard

Sometimes the urge to be unproductive and spend the day doing more entertaining things is simply too hard to resist. Or perhaps time is spent simply avoiding one particular undesirable activity, such as laundry or exercising. Constantly moving one or two things to the bottom of the to-do list is a practice done by most people and is nothing to be ashamed of, if it is not done on a regular basis.

While procrastinating in moderation is no big deal, keeping it at a minimum will help in maintaining productivity levels, thus keeping the brain and body revitalized. Help ease stress by getting the things you hate doing the most done right away. Getting rid of that burden will feel much better in the long run.