Disgusting Things That Pregnancy Does To Your Body

The ability to create life is a blessing and nothing short of miraculous. Whether it is a woman's first time or she's gone through it before, being pregnant is not for the faint of heart, as it brings about many changes that are not always wanted or expected. To be ready for them, or at least be better prepared, here is a list of disgusting things that pregnancy does to the body.

Say Hello To Nausea

InfantRisk Center

For many women, the first trimester is often the hardest because it can be hard to keep any food down. Said to be caused by increased levels of hCG or possibly even increased levels of estrogen, nausea can hit every time a woman turns around, not just during the morning as some might claim. This can be really problematic because the baby needs food (and so does Mommy) to continue on. Stock up on saltines, a good prenatal and pregnancy multivitamin, and lots of water and unsweetened fruit juice. They are going to come in handy. Alternately, talk to the doctor to find out what can be taken to help keep the food down.

Proud Womb Warriors

Robelyn Labs

The further along into the pregnancy a woman is, the more likely it is she will develop stretch marks on her breasts, belly, buttocks, and thighs (dependant on the woman). This occurs because the skin only has so much elasticity and the belly is growing faster than the body can respond. While some women panic and see these scars as a negative thing - a mark that ruins their beauty - don't take it that way. All woman should be proud of these warrior marks; they are proof that life began and thrived inside of that stomach. If a woman is feeling overly self conscious about her stretch marks, there are plenty of quality lotions and creams available that diminish their appearance.

Acne And Mood Swings Are Back


Pregnant women may think acne was behind them, left there with the teen years, drama, and hormones. But they were wrong. Welcome to raging hormones that kick start acne all over again (or for the first time for those women who lucked out during their teen years). And acne is not happy to show up just on their face. Pregnant women often find pimples on their butt and boobs too. And in the places that generally do not get acne, be prepared to discover that body hair has gone into hyper production anywhere and everywhere! To top it off, be prepared for mood swings that rival the biggest meanest roller coaster. Ecstatic one moment, bawling the next.

Your Insides Go A Few Rounds With A Pro Wrestler

Hearistic Partnering

When the baby starts moving around, it is not content with just a gentle nudge. A woman's insides take a beating. It is like being tackled by an MMA fighter, kicked by a ninja, and punched by the Almighty Thor. So not only does the stomach insides take a beating, it looks like an alien is about to burst out of the pregnant woman's chest to everyone around them. It can be freaky for non-parents to watch.Don't be surprised, at this stage of the pregnancy, if friends become distant or, alternately, beg to touch the baby belly. Be firm about who is allowed to touch the belly and who isn't.

Not So Swell Swelling


During pregnancy, a number of different things act upon the woman's body which causes her to swell up like a balloon. This is partly due to bloating, and water retention. Small-boob gals who have always wanted bigger ones might celebrate as her boobs get bigger. However,it is tough to find a bra that fits properly when one boob is considerably larger than the other. And let's not mention how a woman's boobs might start to leak. Also, that's not the only part of you that starts to swell. The ankles, feet, hands, and face can swell too, which can make a woman feel like a giant beach ball (and sometimes just ascolorful). See. Not swell at all.

Too Damn Tired

Huffington Post

The further a woman gets into her pregnancy, the more tired she becomes. Forget trying to stay up to watch late-night TV. A pregnant woman will be lucky to make it to 9 p.m. before she hits the sheets and falls asleep. Not only does this constant fatigue impact on her ability to stay up late, other things become far too tiring to do on a regular basis. In some extream cases, things, like showering every day, bothering to shave her legs, or changing her clothes from day to day, can feel incredibly taxing. For some, it is easier to just wear the same pair of pants and over-sized t-shirt for a few days. Besides, it cuts down on laundry.

No Comfortable Way To Lie Down


Lying on the belly becomes impossible, and women begin to feel like a beached whale. Those women who are looking for relief can go to the beach and get someone else’s kids to dig a big hole for that swelling belly. They can then lie on their belly and feel mermaid thin and sexy, even if only for a little while. Otherwise, the best way to get to sleep is to sleep on the side, with a pillow between the knees. It might be the only way to get a decent nights' sleep until the baby comes. And once the baby comes, be prepared to kiss sleep goodbye until the wee one learns to sleep through the night - in probably about six months. If you're lucky.

Everything Leaks


As a pregnant woman, leaking becomes a new fact of life. The vagina leaks, boobs leak, and the urethra leaks. Part of this is due to the baby and its growth, part of it is just the body's way of preparing for when the baby comes. Another reason this occurs is that pregnancy can weaken the pelvic floor. Carry and use pads and liners in panties, wear maternity bras, and learn to go to the bathroom before it is truly necessary. And, if you should sneeze at the wrong time, make sure to have a spare set of panties in your purse (and a ziplock bag) for those embarrassing moments. In order to strengthen the pelvic floor, consider doing kegels.

Pee Cup Pro

Huffington Post

Regular visits to the doctor and the need to frequently inspect the urine makes a pregnant woman a pee-in-a-cup pro. They could get a second job in the circus doing just this. But that's not all that a pregnant woman has to go through on a routine visit to the doctor. There is the palpation of the belly, checking the breasts, as well as routine blood tests, and as other more complicated tests for those who are at risk of certain congenital diseases. Be prepared to spend a lot of time at the doctor's office, or at the clinic. Heck, bring a pillow and a good book. It might be the only chance you get to rest.

Constant Constipation


Constipation is a familiar problem for many pregnant women. This is because not only are they trying to eat for two, they are also trying to drink for two. Unfortunately, the increased levels of progesterone contribute to the problem by slowing down the digestive process, which exacerbates the problem. Additionally, pregnant women have a much smaller bladder (thanks to that growing baby inside them) which makes them pee all the time. Due to constipation, some pregnant women also develop haemorrhoids.The best way to reduce the chance of developing constipation is to eat fibrous foods and drink lots of water. Though, if constipation is severe, it's important to go see a doctor.

Vibrant Varicose Veins

Huffington Post

Increased blood volume creates varicose veins, which makes the body look like a road map. A pregnant woman's boobs could pass for parts of the Rocky Mountain chain, and her thighs look like the coastline of Spain. Increased blood volume also causes many women to experience nosebleeds more frequently. Make sure that there is facial tissue everywhere - in the purse, in the car, at the office, and remember not to panic the next time that you suddenly develop a nose bleed for no reason whatsoever. It's not your fault.

Red Hot Mama


Pregnant women do not need to go to the sauna (and are not supposed to do so). But even if they wanted to, they do not need to – they are already a fiery inferno due to their malfunctioning personal heating system. Thank the whacked out pregnancy hormones for this experience. This can benefit a woman's partner on cold winter nights but makes sleeping in the summer practically impossible. Unfortunately, this makes her sweat at the drop of a hat, and often from places on her body where she never knew she could sweat from. Invest in air-drying bras, tops and bottoms, and maybe even in the companies that make them. Also consider running a fan nearby at all times.

Messed Up Taste Buds

Life's Ambrosia

A pregnant woman's taste buds decide that the weirdest foods go well together, even foods she has never had before. Many women enjoy eating pickles and ice cream together, but some enjoy food combinations that are even more bizarre. It doesn't help that they are constantly hungry either. There is no scientific reason that can be found why women crave the things they do. They simply do. The meme of the pregnant woman who wakes her partner up to get a burger at 3 a.m. is not just a meme. It is for real.Sure, baby may be hungry, at all hours of the day and night, but make sure that, in addition to pickles and ice cream, mom gets good nutritious food all the way through the pregnancy.

Bye, Bye, Belly Button - Hello Belly Zipper

Salud unComo

As the baby grows within them, a woman's belly becomes larger and larger. What's interesting about that is that, contrary to popular belief, large women do not necessarily get enormous bellies and tiny women don't necessarily have small bellies. What is true, however, is that many pregnant women lose their belly button. Their pretty little innie belly buttons flatten out and can even become outies. To top it off, some women develop a dark line that could pass for a zipper between the crotch and the belly button. It is too bad this is not a real zipper. Otherwise, birth could be so much easier.

Changing Skin Pigmentation


Pregnancy does more than just change hormones in a woman's body. A woman's skin pigmentation often changes due to the presence of hormones which trigger the pigment change. All the work a woman has done to create the perfect wardrobe based on her skin tone goes out the window when her skin pigmentation changes. The good news is this makes for a good excuse to go shopping! The unfortunate thing of this changing skin pigmentation is that it's happening everywhere - yes even "down there". Rather than her usual colours, a woman's labia and clitoris can take on purplish or even bluish tones, which may make her (and even her partner) wonder if she's becoming Na'vi. There is nothing to be done for this phenomenon, it is totally normal, and normally goes away after childbirth.

Third Trimester Heartburn


Women may breathe a sigh of relief that their nausea has ended after the first trimester. They might celebrate that they can finally keep food down and go on a baby feeding binge. However, somewhere in the third trimester, another phenomenon occurs which is partly brought about because of the baby's growth as well as the baby's movement. Baby is now squishing mom's insides, including the stomach, leaving little room for food. So, whether the baby is sleeping or doing its impression of a ninja, mom can experience heartburn so severe that it can make mom feel as though she is throwing up fireballs.

Red, Chafing Thighs


Chafing and skin sensitivity is a constant thing during pregnancy (and sometimes even after). With the swelling that's happening all over the body, expectant women who have never had this problem can become irritated with the slightest thing touching their skin. Textures that were previously okay become the reason they want to tear their clothes off in public. Lotions and beauty products that were okay before cause allergic reactions. Thigh chafing becomes a fact of life. Invest in thigh-length maternity panties to prevent the problem in the first place or use lots of cornstarch. Alternately, find something like Chubrub to reduce friction and prevent chafing.

Binge Watching Birthing Videos


The Bump

It is not uncommon for pregnant women to begin binge watching birthing videos while munching on their baby’s favourite snack. A gal’s gotta be prepared for the worst, right? Right. So go ahead and watch the birthing videos- heck, run a marathon with other friends who are mothers-to-be. It could not only help prepare you for the worst but also help you prepare for the best. And if your spouse is brave, maybe get him to watch them too!

Prelude To The Big Event


A lot of things change during pregnancy, including vaginal discharge which changes in color, consistency, and thickness almost every day. In addition to the weird vaginal discharge a woman secretes during pregnancy, she also gets to experience the body’s version of dropping the Big Apple shortly before the baby comes. Sometimes called a 'bloody show' but properly known as the mucous plug, this is the body’s way of saying, “Hurry up - this baby’s on its way!” If the family has a history of premature delivery, noticing that this has happened can help mom get her medical help ASAP.This can happen anytime, anywhere, and is an important thing to pay attention to in the last trimester.