How To Treat Progressive Bulbar Palsy
Progressive bulbar palsy is a considered a form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The condition involves the brain stem, which is the area responsible for chewing, swallowing, and speaking, among other functions. There are various causes of progressive bulbar palsy. Botulism, a toxic chemical, can cause paralysis if it reaches the digestive tract. Malignant inflammatory diseases can also lead to the condition. Genetics may also play a role. Progressive bulbar palsy is difficult to diagnose, as no single procedure or test can offer a definitive diagnosis. There is, unfortunately, no cure for progressive bulbar palsy, but doctors do have several options for treating symptoms. Prominent symptoms include difficulty with speaking and swallowing, a weak jaw and facial muscles, emotional lability, progressive loss of speech, and a weakened tongue. Get to know some of the treatment options available for progressive bulbar palsy now.