Guide To The Structure Of The Heart
Located in the upper portion of the chest, the heart sits behind the breastbone and is responsible for pumping blood throughout the entire body. A healthy heart is roughly the size of a fist, and it usually beats between sixty to one hundred beats each minute. Over twenty-four hours, the heart circulates up to two thousand gallons of blood around the body. The typical weight for the adult heart is between seven to fifteen ounces. To evaluate a patient's heart health, doctors often begin by measuring the patient's heart rate. The patient will also have their blood pressure recorded, and the clinician might use a stethoscope to check for any abnormal heart sounds or rhythms. To get more detailed information, patients may have an electrocardiogram (a recording of the heart's electrical activity), and an echocardiogram (an ultrasound of the heart) may be recommended to learn more about how well the patient's heart is functioning. Patients with heart problems are typically treated by cardiologists, physicians who specialize in cardiac care.