Home Remedies For Treating Kidney Stones
The kidneys function to filter the bodyâs blood supply. In doing so, they remove harmful particles and extra water. Every day, some two-hundred quarts of blood are processed and filtered, creating an average of one to two quarts of urine. Urine occasionally contains more crystal-forming substances than can be diluted, leading to the painful condition known as kidney stones. To exit the kidneys, these stones must be broken down or passed through the urinary tract. While the condition may be extremely painful and even long-lasting, natural remedies may accelerate the bodyâs removal of this calcified material. These remedies are effective for kidney stone elimination and if taken continuously, help prevent future occurrence. It is always important to consult a qualified medical professional before use of any natural remedy.
Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is hailed in the natural health community as a kind of panacea. According to research, it may be used for everything from skin problems and digestive issues to destroying cancerous cells. It is made through the fermentation of apples, causing it to contain strands of the 'mother.' These beneficial bacteria and enzymes are thought to be the source of its powerful health benefits. Due to its acidic nature, it is a powerful tool in the treatment of kidney stones. Apple cider vinegar contains citric, acetic and phosphoric acids which assist in the breakdown of stones in the kidneys. While it is acidic, it also promotes alkalization of the body, assisting in the maintenance of proper pH levels and hydrochloric acid production. Efficient production of HCl inhibits the formation of new kidney stones, helping to ward off any future complications. Apple cider vinegar may be taken several times daily to assist in stone removal.
Learn more about home remedies for kidney stones now.

Horsetail has long been served as a natural diuretic as it helps flush excess water from the body. Many practitioners make use of the herb to soothe urinary tract irritation due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Studies have shown this herb may increase urination up to thirty percent, making it useful in the acceleration of kidney stone removal. Since stones must pass through the urine, consumption of horsetail may facilitate the process. Horsetail may be consumed on a daily basis in tea or capsule form to accelerate stone removal.
Continue reading to reveal more natural remedies for kidney stones now.
Celery Seed

Celery seed boasts diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties, making it a fantastic home remedy for kidney stones. It has long been used to aid with water retention as it accelerates urine production. Due to increased urine production, stones are less likely to develop as their constituents are constantly flushed from the kidneys. Celery seed is also helpful in lowering blood pressure. Because many individuals harboring kidney stones also suffer from high blood pressure, this seed may treat that as well. For kidney stone treatment, pour freshly boiled water over one tablespoon of celery seeds. Let steep for several minutes and strain. This tea should be consumed daily until the stones pass.
Discover additional home remedies for kidney stones now.
Chanca Piedra

Chanca piedra is well-known and regarded in the natural health community. The herb has earned the name 'kidney stone crusher' due to its promising results in scientific studies. Research has demonstrated it has a success rate of greater than ninety percent when used for the treatment of this condition, greatly accelerating patientsâ ability to pass stones from the kidneys. It helps break down existing calcified material while preventing the formation of new stones. The herb may be taken as a tea or tincture and is also available in pill form as a more concentrated dose.
Uncover details on another home remedy for kidney stones now.
Dandelion Root

Considered a simple weed by many, dandelion actually boasts impressive health benefits. It is well-known for its ability to support and improve liver function, but its applications to kidney health contribute to its stellar reputation in the natural health community. Dandelion is a diuretic, promoting increased urine production to assist in kidney stone elimination. The herb helps clear potentially harmful bacteria, toxins, and minerals from the kidneys preventing the formation of new stones and infections. Because it contains potassium, dandelion also helps restore normal levels of electrolytes lost when urine production increases. It may be taken in tea or capsule form, multiple times daily until stones pass.
Get more information on how to naturally treat kidney stones now.
Lemon Juice And Olive Oil

Lemon juice and olive oil are a popular remedy for the treatment of kidney stones and provide a complement to one another. It is thought that the high acidity of lemons may help dissolve kidney stones, while olive oil helps lubricate the urinary tract, decreasing the pain associated with passing stones. Lemons also protect against further kidney stone development due to their high concentration of citric acid. Citric acid may reduce urine acidity, effectively lowering the probability of future stone formation. Lemons also contain several beneficial vitamins and minerals that may be lost through increased urination, making them a nutritious choice for kidney stone treatment. For kidney stone relief, combine equal parts fresh lemon juice and olive oil. Consume up to three times daily until stones pass.
Learn more about getting rid of kidney stones naturally now.
Uva Ursi

Uva ursi is a common evergreen shrub native to the Northern Hemisphere. The leaves of the uva ursi plant contain a powerful combination of substances known to soothe and treat urinary tract irritation. The herb has natural diuretic and antibacterial properties, helping increase urination while protecting against infection. Compounds in the plant also assist in the breakdown of calcified material. This capacity to break down kidney stones and its ability to flush water from the body make it a powerful tool to combat this painful condition. Sufferers may take this herb in either tea or capsule form.
Get more information on the best ways to treat kidney stones at home now.
Pomegranate Juice

Juice from pomegranates helps prevent kidney stones from forming by lowering urine acidity. Due to a more alkaline environment in the kidneys, new stone development becomes increasingly difficult. Individuals dealing with kidney stones often suffer from high blood pressure as a result. Pomegranate juice is also effective for blood pressure reduction and supplies the body with crucial vitamins and minerals. Excessive urination may deplete the body's electrolyte levels, making natural vitamin and mineral supplementation necessary. Either the juice or seeds may be used to relieve kidney stones. These should be consumed multiple times each day until the stones pass through the system.
Read more about the best home remedies for kidney stones now.
Holy Basil (Tulsi)

Holy basil is well-known for its detoxifying and diuretic properties. It lowers uric acid levels in the kidneys, effectively preventing further kidney stone development. As a diuretic, holy basil also aids the body by increasing urine production, helping flush out calcified material in the organs. Sodium and potassium also help restore balanced electrolyte levels that may drop as a result of diuretic consumption. Daily consumption in the form of tea or juice is necessary for use of holy basil as a remedy for kidney stones. While this remedy is effective, several months may be needed to realize the benefits of usage.
Learn more about natural treatment options for kidney stones now.
Drink Plenty Of Water

Drinking enough water throughout the day is essential to the prevention and elimination of kidney stones. Many remedies may be attempted but will show limited results if patients do not drink sufficient water to flush the calcified material from the organs. The effectiveness of any treatment is drastically diminished without the support of plenty of water intake. Water helps keep the kidneys and urinary tract free from the buildup of calcified material and prevents infections from occurring. Since the kidneys are self-cleaning organs, adequate water must be supplied for them to perform this function. Eight glasses or sixty-four ounces are recommended for individuals in good health. Those suffering from kidney stones should aim for an increased water intake of twelve glasses or ninety-six ounces.
Uncover the next natural remedy for kidney stones now.
Reduce Salt In Diet

Individuals affected by kidney stones can stop the stones from becoming larger if they reduce salt in their diet. Foods high in salt will increase the amount of sodium in an individual's body. Sodium leaves the body through the sweat and is removed by an individual's kidneys. The more sodium that is consumed, the higher the amount of sodium will be removed from the blood by the individual's kidneys will be. An elaborate mechanism links sodium to calcium and drives the process of which levels of both are managed. The amount of sodium an individual's kidneys filter from the blood is what determines how much calcium will be present in their urine. The amount of sodium removed from the blood by the kidneys is determined by the state of the water balance in the body and if any adjustments need to be made. However, the consumption of an excessive amount of sodium is not required for this process to run smoothly. Excess sodium ends up in the kidneys when it is not needed, resulting in more calcium concentration in the urine. The more calcium in the urine, the greater the chance kidney stones will form or existing stones will grow larger.
Discover additional options for treating kidney stones naturally now.
Reduce Consumption Of Animal Protein

Individuals affected by kidney stones can benefit if they make an effort to reduce their consumption of animal protein. This protein is found in foods like cheese, poultry, fish and other seafood, red meats, and eggs. Animal proteins have shown to alter an individual's kidney structure when consumed excessively. These proteins cause an increase in the acidity level of an individual's urine, which can lead to the formation of uric acid based stones. Another substance animal proteins interfere with inside the kidneys is citrate. Citrate stops the crystallization mechanism of calcium phosphate and calcium oxalate. Both substances are found in kidney stones. Animal proteins cause a reduction in citrate levels in the kidneys, removing the antagonist to the solidification of elements that form kidney stones.
Animal proteins have also been proven to cause the production of ammonia to increase in an individual's urine. While other compounds cause the majority of stones, around ten percent of all kidney stones are struvite stones. Struvite stones are comprised of an ammonia and calcium phosphate mixture. In addition, animal proteins are known to cause damage to the kidney cells and result in hyperfiltration, both increased risk factors for kidney stones.
Read more about how to use natural remedies for kidney stones now.
Avoid Calcium Supplements

Individuals who have kidney stones may be advised by their physician to avoid calcium supplements. Most are not aware calcium supplements are different from the calcium they consume through their food or dietary calcium. When an individual is told to avoid calcium supplements, it does not mean to avoid calcium altogether. The body needs a certain amount of calcium to create a bond with oxalate in the kidneys. Individuals affected by kidney stones need to aim for an average of around one thousand milligrams of dietary calcium per day. Vitamin D also needs to be present in the diet so the stomach and intestine can adequately absorb the calcium. Calcium supplements have proven to be detrimental to the prevention and mediation of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate stones. Over seventy percent of kidney stones are the result of excess calcium bonding with excess oxalate. Another ten percent of kidney stones are made when calcium bonds with phosphate. Avoiding supplements but maintaining the proper amount of dietary calcium can help reduce the chance of developing new stones or increasing the size of existing stones.
Learn more ways to naturally get rid of kidney stones now.
Consume Wheatgrass Juice

Wheatgrass juice has been known to help many individuals pass their kidney stones and stop further stone development. Those affected by kidney stones should consume wheatgrass juice with a full meal every day. Freshly sprouted wheat plant leaves are used to produce wheatgrass juice. Wheatgrass juice, a natural diuretic, is known to be the most abundant source of dietary living chlorophyll available in the market today. It has a diuretic effect because it contains compounds that stimulate the production of more urine, which can significantly contribute to the kidney's efforts of flushing out unwanted minerals and salts from the body. It is an excess of such minerals and salts in the urine that cause kidney stones to materialize. Because wheatgrass juice causes an increase in urine output, it also increases the intake of fluids. When an individual drinks more fluid and urinates a higher volume, this mechanism can encourage the passing of smaller stones before they have a chance to become any larger. The recommended dose is one fluid ounce a day for a week, and then two ounces per day after that.
Discover more natural options for treating kidney stones now.
Lose Excess Weight

Individuals who are trying to treat their kidney stones are often advised to lose excess weight if they are considered overweight or obese. The underlying pathologic mechanism that causes more kidney stones in individuals who are obese and overweight is related to the diet they consume, an increased level of insulin resistance, and urinary profile that is lithogenic or prone to calcium crystallization. Uric acid stones may be caused by insulin resistance because it changes the kidney's metabolism of acids and bases, resulting in a reduced pH level in the urine. Individuals who are overweight and or obese have a diet that is generally higher in substances that encourage the development of kidney stones such as sodium, sugar, processed sugar, carbonated drinks, caffeinated drinks, alcoholic beverages, and fats. To lose weight, an individual must consume a healthy diet abundant in nutritionally-rich and fiber-filled foods. Also, an overweight individual must drink more water if they want to lose weight, around eight to twelve glasses per day. A better diet and more water consumption can significantly help prevent new stones from developing and existing ones from enlarging.