Physical Therapy Isn’t Just For Injuries

When most individuals think of physical therapy, they think of it as what doctors will prescribe following an injury or surgery as a method of recovery. Physical therapy helps rebuild muscle strength and flexibility in a safe and controlled manner to prevent further injury or significant strain. It is important to get physical therapy for these issuesto ensure muscles don’t atrophy.

Many may not be aware of this, but physical therapy is not just limited to injuries or recovering from surgery. It is far more beneficial to a broader range of individuals than most realize. With this in mind, start reading to uncover information about other uses for physical therapy.

Assistance With Age


There is no denying it. As we age, our bodies become less flexible, joints ache, and everything just becomes more difficult. However, physical therapy is amazing at maintaining movement and reversing some of the issues, such as aching joints, that come with age. It also helps increase coordination as well as balance. Falls are all too common among seniors, which is what makes increasing balance through physical therapy so important. Overall, the main function of physical therapy for seniors is to help them maintain their independence for as long as possible, which is incredibly important for many seniors.

Besides assisting with maintaining independence, physical therapy can also help with a wide variety of medical conditions affecting an individual’s mobility, regardless of age. Continue reading to learn about the details.

Conditions Compromising Mobility


Quite a few medical conditions can compromise an individual’s mobility, such as cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, and muscular dystrophies, such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Medical conditions compromising mobility often mean muscle degeneration. Unfortunately, if there is no cure for the condition, there is no way to stop this degeneration completely. However, physical therapy helps patients with these conditions maintain their mobility and, just like seniors, their independence for as long as possible.

For instance, those with DMD will more than likely require a wheelchair at some pointand will need it for the remainder of their life, but physical therapy can help prolong their ability to walk and be active for longer than without. Physical therapy is critical for this as physical therapists are medical professionals who have a thorough understanding of what exercises are going to help and which are going to hurt. Thus, just continuing to walk and such without physical therapy will not have the same beneficial effect.

Continue reading to learn how physical therapy can improve posture.

Improve Posture


Physical therapists in cities with a significant population of actors, singers, and even dancers report many of these individuals coming to visit them to work on their posture. While this preventative physical therapy is most popular among celebrities, many individuals could benefit significantly from improving their posture. In fact, the majority of the population likely does not have perfect posture and may have poor posture, putting them at risk for significant strains and injuries. This is especially common among office workers who spend the better portion of their life sitting in a chair day after day.

Stop slouching and risking a back injury without preventative physical therapy. Speaking of preventing an injury, continue reading to find out how this is yet another function of physical therapy.

Injury Avoidance


As we know, the majority of individuals go to physical therapy to recover from an injury or surgery. However, physical therapy is phenomenal at avoiding injuries and even surgery in the first place. This may just be in the form of a regular physical therapy appointment, such as once a week or once a month. But for instance, patients who go to their primary care physician about a twinge, a sharp and sudden pain, can help prevent this twinge from becoming a severe fully-fledged injury. For instance, someone starting to run might have sore shins after a little bit. Physical therapy can help prevent shin splints or fractured bones from occurring.

Continue reading to learn how physical therapy can help singers with their voices.

Diaphragmatic Breathing


The best singers know is it best to breathe and sing from their diaphragm for the best quality voice and to avoid strain as much as possible. Some apparently know how to do this, but those who do not should consider physical therapy. Yes, physical therapists can help assist in teaching individuals to breathe and thus sing from their diaphragms. It often starts with their posture, which as mentioned is another function of physical therapy. Also, learning diaphragmatic breathing is involved with body awareness. If a singer has been breathing improperly, it will take significant conscious effort to adjust the habit.

But this is not all physical therapy can do. Continue reading to see how it can help serious athletes.

Training For Significant Athletic Endeavors


Training for an event such as a marathon or a triathlon takes a lot of time and effort. Even for seasoned athletes, this training will put quite a bit of strain on the body and increases the potential for injuries. Physical therapy, besides helping avoid the potential injuries, helps keep anyone training for a significant athletic endeavor in peak physical shape, including avoiding incredibly sore muscles. In essence, physical therapy helps boost the effectiveness of the training to ensure the athlete is the best they can be on race day.

Physical therapy should not just be an afterthought when a severe injury occurs. It can be used both as a preventative measure, as well as a way to boost performance.

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