Popular Immunization Myths Busted

When vaccinations were first introduced to the public in the 1800s, they were hailed as a miracle of modern medicine. Individuals began to hope the illnesses killing off so many children and adults could finally be defeated. Over time, the public view has gradually transformed from hopeful to suspicious. Many individuals fear vaccines may be causing more harm than good. Unfortunately, a lot of public misinformation makes it hard for people to actually be informed about vaccinations. If you are trying to decide whether or not you and your children need vaccinations, it is important to realize many common statements about vaccines are actually myths. Here's what you need to know about vaccines.

Vaccines Cause Autism


This is the myth that started all of the public backlash against vaccination. Back in 1998, Andrew Wakefield published a study linking autism to the MMR vaccine. Since then, Wakefield's findings have been thoroughly disproven. It started when scientists began to criticize the ethics of the study because Wakefield was treating patients improperly and trying to patent a vaccine that would compete with the MMR vaccine. They then discovered he blatantly falsified evidence to come to his conclusion.

Countless other studies have been done on the subject, and none of them have found any link between autism and vaccinations. All of those claiming vaccines cause autism are using a fake study by a shady doctor who is forbidden from practicing medicine anymore. It is also worth noting individuals refusing vaccinations because they think vaccines cause autism may end up with consequences more challenging to deal with than autism. Autism does not always keep a person from living normally, and vaccines are typically protecting against diseases that may paralyze or kill a person.

Continue reading to learn about the myth about infant immune systems.


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