How To Prevent And Treat Ascariasis

Perhaps one of the scariest conditions individuals can think of is having living worms crawling through their body, which is exactly what ascariasis is. Ascariasis comes from the type of ringworm that can infect the body. While it may be almost laughable to think parasites exist in the developing world, ascariasis is actually the most common type of parasite in the developing world. Typically, individuals contract ascariasis because they consumed the eggs of the ringworm through unsanitized food or water. The eggs then rest in the intestines until they eventually hatch and flow through the bloodstream to the lungs. There they settle for a time until they make their way up the throat. This causes patients to cough and swallow, sending the worms back into their intestines, where the process starts over again. Patients should keep these treatments in mind to help get rid of ascariasis and prevent it from occurring now.

Antiparasitic Medication


Individuals who believe they are suffering from ascariasis should see their doctor immediately. They will either use an X-Ray, CT scan, ultrasound, MRI scan, or endoscopy to determine if the patient is infected and the severity of the infection. Typically, patients will receive antiparasitic medication, which destroys the ringworms themselves or inhibits their growth. As such, they're primarily useful within smaller infestations. The amount of medication as well as the length of how long patients need to take them will be detailed by the doctor and will largely depend upon the state of the infection. Symptoms like frequent choking or coughing, odd or off stools, wheezing, or blood in mucus, indicate ascariasis may be present.

Keep reading for more on preventing and treating ascariasis now.


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