Various Ways To Know You Are Obese

Maintaining a reasonable weight is important in living a more comfortable and healthier lifestyle. If you weigh much more than is appropriate for your height, then you may be considered obese. This means you are at a higher risk of developing numerous health problems, and you may feel your lifestyle is limited in many ways. Check out these common signs of obesity and, if you fall into any category, consider working towards healthier habits.

Increased Back Pain


Back pain is not an automatic sign of obesity but does tend to be an issue for those carrying some extra weight. If you have not recently done anything that would typically put a strain on your back, then you might consider your weight as the cause of your newfound pain. Your spine is designed to support your body and keep the weight properly dispersed. If you are carrying extra baggage, this will put more pressure on your spine, thus causing weak muscles, posture problems, and a sore back.


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