9 Tips To Look And Feel Thinner By The Weekend

Regardless of what the number in on the scale, certain habits can make one feel like they have gained a considerable amount of weight in just days. Most experience a belly bloat, which might lead a woman to a few unwanted pregnancy inquiries. It is not uncommon for one to feel like their favorite pair of jeans shrunk overnight; this is related an increase of air in the human intestine, causing the abdomen to distend and bloat. This extra gas is usually accompanied by water retention, which is then noticeable on the scale. Check out these nine tips that are proven to help reduce and even get rid of bloating.

Vegetables to be Avoided


If one wants to prevent intestinal bloating, cruciferous vegetables must be avoided. These include cabbage, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, and brussels sprouts, amongst others. Because these greens carry a sugar called raffinose - which is hard for the body to break down - it results in an increased production of gas that bloats the intestines. These vegetables have vitamins, fiber, and disease-fighting phytochemicals that are good for the human body, so they should not be removed entirely from one's diet. However, if the goal is to look thinner by the weekend, it would be best to skip them during the week. Certain super foods to eat in place of cruciferous vegetables include romaine lettuce, parsley, chicory, spinach, beet greens, Chinese cabbage, and watercress.


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