Results for "Laryngeal Cancer"

Symptoms Of Laryngeal Cancer

Laryngeal cancer is a cancer of the larynx, otherwise known as the voice box. Your larynx is a part of your throat found at your windpipe's entrance, and it plays a vital role in letting you speak and breathe. Laryngeal cancer is most common in individuals older than sixty, and it tends to be more commonly found in men than in women. However, this doesn't mean those under sixty years old are immune. It's vital to see a doctor if you experience any symptoms of laryngeal cancer. Even if they aren't cancerous, they could be a sign of another infection or hormonal issue. The general rule is to see a doctor if symptoms don't clear up in three weeks. If your primary physician deems it necessary, you might have tests done by a hospital specialist.

In any case, watch out for these symptoms.

Pain When Swallowing


Tumors on your larynx can obstruct the throat and cause damage to your trachea. This means you might experience pain when swallowing and have trouble swallowing. It might feel like food is getting stuck in your throat, or as if you have to take tiny bites to keep from choking. This kind of change is unusual and should be a cause for concern.

However, many other conditions can cause this pain. Strep throat is a common infection that can cause both swallowing pain and neck swelling. Tonsillitis can cause pain when swallowing along with tenderness in the jaw. Epiglottitis, a throat infection that inflames your epiglottis, can also make you have trouble swallowing. The main takeaway is while it's unlikely swallowing pain is an indication of severe cancer, you should see a health professional if symptoms persist. Even if a smaller infection causes it, undergoing treatment is your best bet to fight the illness off.

Continue for details on another symptom of laryngeal cancer to watch out for.

A Persistent Sore Throat


A persistent sore throat can be an indication of laryngeal cancer and occurs when the cancer forms on the vocal cords and damages the throat, causing pain. This pain might be coupled with trouble swallowing, swelling of your lymph nodes, and hoarseness. Because milder conditions cause most sore throats, many individuals don't seek medical treatment until cancer has spread further. The most common cause of a sore throat is a viral infection, which can resolve by itself, followed by strep throat, a bacterial infection that does need antibiotic treatment to prevent complications. Even if you're certain you don't have laryngeal cancer, you should still go to the doctor for a sore throat that persists longer than two to three weeks, as you might need antibiotics to fight it off.

Keep going to identify more potential symptoms of laryngeal cancer.

Long-Lasting Cough


A long-lasting cough is a common symptom of many different types of cancer, laryngeal cancer included. Coughs usually aren't a cause for concern, especially if they resolve within a few days. But a chronic cough can be an indication of a deeper problem. Chronic coughs are defined as coughs that linger between three and eight weeks. There have even been cases where a cough lasts for months or years. If you haven't had any other symptoms, but you do have a cough that's lasted longer than three weeks, it's a good idea to have a doctor check it out. There are some benign causes of a persistent cough such as chronic bronchitis, asthma, and postnasal drip. However, your cough might also be a sign of laryngeal cancer, other throat cancers, lung cancer, or another lung infection.

Continue reading to learn about a source of swelling to be mindful of.

Swelling In The Neck


Your neck is where your lymph nodes are located, and when you have an infection or tumor, the lymph nodes will swell. You'll notice a growing mass in your neck if cancer has spread to the lymph nodes. This swelling in the neck is not always a sign of laryngeal cancer. Though it can be a sign of multiple serious conditions, swollen lymph nodes can also be an indicator of something harmless. Your neck lymph nodes might become swollen if you have an upper respiratory infection, for example, most frequently the common cold. However, they'll also become swollen if an infection or tumor is growing in your throat. A sign of a serious condition is if your lymph nodes continue to swell until you have a noticeable mass in your neck. This symptom occurs when your lymphatic system is trying to help your body get rid of cancer.

Continue for more information on laryngeal cancer symptoms.

Voice Changes


A change in voice is the most classic symptom of laryngeal cancer, since the cancer forms on your vocal cords. When this is the case, the cancer is often detected during a very early stage. Experts recommend seeing a doctor if you experience hoarseness for two or more weeks without improvement.

When cancer doesn't start in the larynx, it won't cause hoarseness until it reaches a later stage and spreads to the larynx. In some cases, individuals will notice swelling in their neck before they notice the hoarseness. Laryngeal cancer doesn't always cause hoarseness, either. Sometimes, cancer will begin in the area above the vocal cords, below the vocal cords, or the hypopharynx. With these, it's more common to find them at later stages of the disease.

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