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How To Treat Whooping Cough

Pertussis, which is better known as whooping cough, is a respiratory infection caused by a bacteria called Bordetella pertussis. This illness is highly contagious and usually affects infants and both teenagers and adults whose vaccination immunity has faded. While it is characterized by an intense cough ending with a high-pitch 'whoop' sound, some individuals may have contracted the infection and only experience a severe hacking cough instead. While death by whooping cough is rare, it is the most common in infants who have yet to complete the full vaccination. The beginning stages of the illness resemble that of a common cold, but after about a week or so, you may encounter difficulty breathing, vomiting or hacking up mucus, extreme fatigue, and a red or blue discoloration in the face. Being infected with whooping cough can be very tiresome, here is what to do if you or a loved one contracts it.



Because whooping cough is an infection caused by bacteria, physicians commonly recommend erythromycin or other antibiotics as the primary treatment method. Antibiotics work to kill off the harmful bacteria allowing the body to heal faster. While this medication doesn't necessarily shorten the time of the illness, it cuts down the contagious period. Because pertussis is highly contagious, family members or friends who may have been exposed to the infected person may be given antibiotics as a preventative measure. While this form of medication can be used to reduce the severity of the disease, it is only drastically effective if taken in the early stages. This is because as the disease persists, the bacteria makes its way throughout the body worsening the symptoms.

Get to know the next treatment option for whooping cough now.

Avoid Cough Medicine


An uncomfortable and uncontrollable cough is usually the first as well as the last symptom of pertussis. Unfortunately, not much can be done about this sickness. Since whooping cough is far more severe than a cough accompanied by the common cold, patients are often told to avoid cough medicine altogether during this period. Studies have shown over-the-counter medications are practically useless as a treatment for whooping cough. The conditions of the cough will better as the infection begins to clear up.

Get to know the most common form of treatment for most illnesses, including pertussis, now.

Plenty Of Rest


While the body ordinarily requires lots of rest to recover from day to day, this is more so the case if you have been infected with whooping cough. Pertussis often causes extreme fatigue and an immense draining feeling, so you may need to just sleep it off. Rest is one of the most effective and popular treatments as it allows the immune system time to fight off the bacteria without you being too active and exposed to further illness. Resting properly during this time is critical for infants and the elderly, as their immune systems may not be at its strongest during these ages.

Keep reading now to learn more potential treatments for whooping cough.

Practice Good Hygiene


To avoid the spread of whooping cough, be sure to practice good hygiene. Because there is a highly contagious period, the illness can be spread by coughing, sneezing, and other similar unsanitary practices. The infected individual should spend as much time away from others in a tidy area as they possibly can. Make a habit of both washing your hands or using hand sanitizer as often as needed and maintain a clean area to avoid spreading bacteria further. Be sure to dispose of your tissue in a wastebasket and sneeze and cough into your upper sleeve or elbow, not directly into your hands, if a tissue is unavailable.

Continue reading for more advice on how to treat pertussis.

Reduce Irritants In Home


It is also imperative to reduce the irritants in the home. Respiratory infections, including whooping cough, can be easily agitated by pollutants in the air. Avoid the use of toxic chemicals within the home during this time as it can lead to breathing difficulties. The body might experience a heavy load of mucus during this time, which may block the nasal cavities so being exposed to certain irritants may be detrimental to one's health. Using mild, natural disinfectants to cleanse the home area is a more suitable option.

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