Results for "Supplementing Breastfeeding"

When To Supplement Breastfeeding With Formula

The decision on whether or not to breastfeed can be a difficult one. However, more difficult still is the decision of when to supplement with formula while breastfeeding. Unfortunately many resources available today make breastfeeding seem like an all or nothing choice, but the truth is there are many benefits to supplementing with formula. Not only that, but mothers may also find this method of feeding is what works best for them and their baby. If you’ve been questioning whether supplementing with formula while breastfeeding is right for your baby, then consider these reasons why you may wish to try supplementing and always keep in mind 'fed is best.'

Taking Turns With Your Partner


If you have been exclusively nursing or pumping to this point, you have likely felt the weight of being the sole provider of nutrition for your baby. While many women appreciate the exclusive bond they get to share with their newborn, many also struggle with not being able to share that gift with their partners. Making the choice to supplement with formula can take some of the load off the mother as the sole source of nutrition as well as create a unique opportunity for a partner to be able to share in the feeding experience. Taking turns with a partner also gives mothers the chance to get a little extra rest, which is important for healing and adjusting as a new mother.

Continue reading to learn more about the flexibility supplementing provides.

Increasing Daily Flexibility


There is no doubt about it: life with a newborn is demanding. Add the responsibility of feeding and pumping on demand, and it can be downright draining. If, however, your baby will take an occasional bottle of formula, you will be able to enjoy a bit more flexibility. This can be especially helpful for new mothers who work outside of the home or for those who simply need to take a little time for themselves once in a while. Supplementing with formula is also an effective alternative for mothers who don’t produce enough to create a huge freezer stash of breastmilk but still want to have the ability to increase their daily flexibility without worry their babies will be hungry.

Continue reading to learn about the benefit supplementing can provide to weaning.

Getting Ready For Weaning


Many mothers also find supplementing an effective method for getting ready for weaning. Slowly introducing formula with supplemental feedings can help get your baby more accustomed to the bottle as well as the taste of formula before you’re ready to fully wean. Using supplemental feedings can also facilitate some of the comfort and attachment that typically accompanies breastfeeding so you don’t feel like you are losing the bond you have with your little one when you do fully wean. Most mothers find it beneficial to slowly begin swapping nursing sessions with bottle feedings rather than trying to do it all at once.

Continue reading to learn about supplementing and milk supply.

Dealing With Low Milk Supply


According to a recent study, as many as fifteen percent of breastfeeding women deal with low milk supply, even as early as three weeks postpartum. Fortunately, there are more options than ever to help with an issue with supply and still be able to breastfeed, and supplementing is one of them. If you choose to supplement with formula and breastfeed, you will still have the opportunity to nurse your baby, but you’ll be able to do so knowing they are getting enough to thrive by supplementing with formula. Not only that, but formula is more similar to breastmilk than it ever has been, so most babies are able to easily and comfortably take either.

Continue reading to discover the link between weight and supplementing.

Weight Issues With Baby


If your baby is gaining very little, not gaining, or even losing weight, it may be an issue with the amount or composition of the milk your baby is getting. In either case, weight issues with babies can quickly lead to an issue with their ability to thrive. Supplementing with formula can be an effective way to give your baby additional calories and nutrition to grow and thrive. In this case, many women follow these three steps: breastfeeding, supplementing with formula, and pumping. This approach ensures their baby gets what they need while supporting and even increasing milk supply.

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