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Why It Is So Important To Store Cord Blood

Perinatal stem cells found in the placenta, amniotic fluid, cord tissue, and cord blood are non-controversial. They have no ethical, moral, religious, or political issues. Cord blood can be used the same ways bone marrow is used. This blood can be used to establish and rebuild a new healthy immune system. Pregnant women need information on the benefits of cord blood to know and understand the importance of storing it. The following are seven benefits of the importance of storing cord blood:

No Reason Not To


There is no reason, medical or otherwise, why people should not store their baby’s cord blood. The most common reasons for storing cord blood include protecting a family’s future medical health, treating a sibling with a medical condition, andpeace of mind as many diseases can be cured by cord blood applications. Additionally, there are promising discoveries of future potential uses of the blood made almost daily. This means the value of saving cord blood is vast. Storing this blood in a reputable private or public bank is highly recommended. Expectant couples who feel they do not need it may also donate to a public bank to help those who may need it.

Valuable To The Family’s Future


Stems cells found in a baby’s umbilical cord blood are capable of rebuilding, repairing, or healing diseased or damaged cells of the child and his or her family members. Currently, stem cells found in the blood of a baby’s cord are used in the treatment of more than eighty diseases with new therapies and treatments being observed by researchers regularly. With this in mind, it is wise for expecting parents to plan on storing their cord blood after birth. Many companies are offeringeffective storage of this type of blood for the future.

Potential Sibling Use


If there is a history of certain diseases in the family, new members have an increased likelihood of needing a stem cell transplant at one point or another in their life. Because of this, it is wise to bank the cord blood as well as tissue from all pregnancies in the family. The main reason being that a child with a genetic disease will have superior treatment when treated with cord blood from a sibling. Those with a minority ethnic or mixed-race background may find searching for a matching stem cell donor to be a challenge if they do not bank the blood of previous family members.

Research Reveals Exciting Future Uses


Stem cell research is garnering significant attention, and for good reason. Successful medical breakthroughs and transplants prove to expectant parents that storing cord blood is more of a necessity. Some of the areas of interest include diabetes, HIV, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, spinal cord injuries, and much more. The promises of cures and treatments of using cord blood show the importance and benefits of saving the blood. Anyone who is interested in doing so should contact a blood bank within their locality to find out more information on this process. This extra step could provide a child with an exact stem cell match as a future guarantee for treatment possibilities.

Guarantee Of A Perfect Match For A Baby


A person must be a match to the donor cells if they are to be a match for any stem cell transplant. For instance, a bone marrow transplant needs a perfect six out of six HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen) tissue to match. Finding a bone marrow match is difficult and requires the use of valuable time that can be used for recovery. Anyone who has stored their baby’s cord blood will not have to search for a match; they are able to obtain the stored blood and begin the treatment process. The same blood is guaranteed to match should a sibling of the baby need it. At the same time, cord blood is certain to be a three out of six match to the parents.

A Cure For Many Diseases


Doctors have been able to treat a number of cancers and other malignant diseases such as autoimmune diseases, lymphoma, leukemia, and more. Cord blood stem cells have a higher likelihood of matching with a patient than bone marrow. The reason is that it does not have to meet the matching requirements used in bone marrow transplant, and because of this, doctors and surgeons prefer the use of cord blood stem cells to bone marrow. The lower probability of GVHD (graft versus host disease) has made cord blood stem cells popular among doctors. Currently, researchers are making medical breakthroughs when researching this type of blood. Storing the blood is prudent since the child or a member of the family may require stem cell treatment in the future.

Protect Future Family Health


Parents have many decisions to make when making preparations for a baby’s arrival, whether or not to add cord blood to this list is important to consider. Umbilical cord blood cells are genetically unique and are the building blocks of the baby‘s immune system, tissue, organs, and blood.

Families with a history of genetic diseases are advised to bank the cord blood of their baby. The move is recommended in a bid to ensure such a family will be able to get high-quality treatment should any genetic disease affect their baby or a member of the family. Cord blood banks in the country offer many families options they can use to save this blood. Since there is a short window of opportunity to collect these cells, the tissue and blood should be collected within a few minutes after childbirth. Parents need to make the decision whether or not to save these cells within the third trimester. Early preparation will ensure the collection kit and other requirements are handled before the baby’s arrival.

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