Results for "Deadly Health"

5 Healthy Things That Can Actually Be Deadly

In an age of instant video and information sharing, there are many tips available on how to live a healthy life and what to consume in a diet. Some people take to extraordinary lengths to sustain a healthy body and mind. Living healthier can involve changing diet or taking various supplements or even taking up an exercise or physical hobby. Unknown to many, some 'healthy' practices can be extremely harmful to a human if they are overdone or not practiced correctly. Check out these five healthy things that could kill a person if best-practices are not followed. Always consult a specialist before changing diet, exercise, or supplement plans.

Neti Pot

Dude I Want That

This homeopathic remedy has been used for centuries and involves flushing out the sinuses using water. Many people use this as a method to relieve allergies, sinus problems, or the common cold. In 2011, two separate individuals died after using this method with contaminated tap water in Louisiana, and this was due to the presence of bacteria within the water. Sanitized water mixed saline solution, which usually comes with a Neti pot, is the preferred method of using this device. Never share a Neti pot and always make sure they are well cleaned to avoid this type of bacterial infection. Many also advise that individuals do not overuse the Neti pot and recommend that it should only be used for one to three weeks at a time.



Yoga is associated with a meditative, relaxing activity that is safe and relatively low-risk. Overstretching that causes muscles to tear, spasm, or become pulled can be very common within yoga practitioners. As early as 1972 there was a study from Oxford neurophysiologist W. Ritchie Russell that argued some yoga postures could even threaten to cause strokes in young and healthy people with no previous medical issues. The first yoga practitioners would usually be sitting in a squatted or kneeled position rather than strapped to an office chair all day. One theory is that those who work in jobs that require little to no movement will be more susceptible to injury when taking part in yoga because their body is shocked by the transition from an inactive state to a sudden overstretch, which can be very damaging and can even cause death.

Grilled Food


Many will opt for a grilled or blackened meat or vegetable as a healthier option to fried foods, but this type of food may be less-healthy than previously known. Barbecuing creates three different bi-products that can be dangerous to humans. Heterocyclic amines (known as HCAs) are a carcinogen created from combining meat and high heat to create the blackened, charred look and this type of carcinogen has been linked to cancer. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are damaging compounds that are produced within the body when smoke is inhaled, and these can be very damaging to the lungs. Finally, advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) are another toxic compound that can build up within the body due to a reaction from the chemicals produced from barbecue charcoal and cooked fat. Although flame-grilled, blackened meat and vegetables are delicious, it should be known by all who consume it that it can also be potentially hazardous to health. Try using marinades, pre-cooking meat before putting it on the barbecue, and reducing fat drippings onto the charcoal by using aluminum foil to ensure minimized exposure to potential harm.

Brown Rice


A Consumer Reports investigation found that regular rice eaters had up to 44% more arsenic within their body that people who did not eat rice. Brown rice was found to have the most content of this deadly toxin which is surprising for most because brown rice is touted as the healthier option. According to various health professionals, arsenic can cause high blood pressure, circulatory diseases, and even heart attacks. Long-term exposure to arsenic in drinking water has even led to a new ailment called “Blackfoot disease” in Taiwan. Other symptoms of long-term exposure to arsenic include an increased likelihood of bladder, lung, and skin cancer as well as negatively changing the way cells communicate within the body. Quinoa is recommended as a healthy and tasty substitute for rice.

Vitamins & Other Supplements


Before taking any vitamin or supplement an individual should be aware of how the product will affect their body. Vitamin intake is an essential part of maintaining a healthy body and mind, but many people do not know that too much of the vitamins A and E can be harmful, and even kill. A John Hopkins University study concluded that taking high doses of vitamin E is correlated with increased rate of death. Another study from nutritionist Janis Jibrin found that surplus vitamin E in a supplement form could cause excessive bleeding (because the vitamin is a blood thinner), as well as fatigue and other worrying symptoms. Vitamin A supplements are also extremely harmful in large amounts with many similar adverse effects as vitamin E. Vitamin supplements should be treated like medication because of the dangers of an overdose.

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