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Health Benefits Of Cherry Juice

Cherry juice has recently become very popular as a natural remedy to many health ailments. It is low in both calories and sugar, which makes this tart juice a very healthy alternative to many of the synthetic treatments currently available to address a wide variety of health ailments, including high blood pressure and arthritis. Used in conjunction with a healthy diet and lifestyle, cherry juice can be the perfect supplement to increase the functionality of the body and mind. Research is ongoing and there may be additional advantages to drinking cherry juice that are not yet known. In the meantime, here are a few of the many known benefits of drinking cherry juice.

Reduces Blood Pressure


Drinking pure cherry juice reduces blood pressure significantly. A recent study found individuals who drank cherry juice saw a reduction in systolic blood pressure by 7mmHG and concluded the results indicate drinking cherry juice has the potential to reduce blood pressure as much as prescription medication such as beta blockers. This is a very important finding, as lowering blood pressure in individuals with hypertension reduces the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease. Cherry juice is often used in conjunction with prescription hypertension medications as a method to manage hypertension and bring systolic levels into a normal range.

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Improves Sleep Quality


Individuals who frequently experience insomnia or individuals who have periodic bouts of disrupted slumber will find drinking cherry juice improves sleep quality. Cherry juice contains high levels of melatonin, a chemical responsible for relaxation and restful sleep. Individuals who drink cherry juice often find they not only sleep longer, but their sleep sessions are deeper and more restful, helping them to awaken refreshed and energized in the morning. Individuals experiencing sleep difficulties should opt for juice made from tart Montmorency cherries, as they contain six times the amount of melatonin than other cherries. Patients should drink the juice once a day as needed to address sleep problems.

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Lessens Symptoms Of Gout And Arthritis


Drinking cherry juice lessens symptoms of gout and arthritis as well. A recent study found patients with gout who consumed at least ten cherries per day had increased protection from gout flareups. Researchers state drinking cherry juice helps reduce uric acid in the body, which is the chemical responsible for gout flareups. Research also indicates drinking sixteen ounces of tart cherry juice daily can be beneficial in reducing the inflammation, stiffness, and pain experienced by those individuals suffering from gout and arthritis. There is currently no specific dosing requirements for drinking cherry juice to address the symptoms of gout and arthritis, as further studies need to be conducted. However, experts agree adding a couple of glasses of cherry juice to an anti-inflammatory diet can be beneficial to patients suffering from gout and arthritis.

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Alleviates Muscle Soreness


Surprising to many, cherry juice alleviates muscle soreness and aids in faster recovery time after a strenuous workout. This is due to the anti-inflammatory properties found in tart cherries. When an individual participates in a strenuous workout, the muscles sustain damage, leading to damage and resulting in inflammation. Tart cherries contain anthocyanins, which help repair existing damage, protect the muscles from acquiring further damage, and reduce inflammation and pain. In fact, many individuals are starting to use cherry juice in conjunction with their intense strength training to speed their recovery time. Individuals should consume at least eight to sixteen ounces of post work out for optimal results in reducing muscle soreness.

Learn more about the health benefits of drinking tart cherry juice now.

Acts As An Immune System Booster


Cherry juice is a powerful antioxidant and acts as an immune system booster. As is clear, cherry juice contains anthocyanins, which help prevent harmful bacteria and viruses from invading the body, and, when bacteria do invade, the anthocyanins kill them before they can cause illness. Studies also indicate the daily consumption of tart cherry juice may help prevent the formation of cancer. While more studies need to be conducted to determine dosing recommendations, research indicates drinking between eight to sixteen ounces of cherry juice on a daily basis can be the boost body needs to fight harmful infections and illnesses.

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Improves Cognitive Function


If individuals are worried about developing dementia or other conditions that reduce their cognitive abilities, they should consume cherry juice. Researchers believe inflammation and oxidation in the brain is the cause of dementia conditions, so individuals should drink a beverage that improves cognitive function of the brain’s neurons. After drinking tart cherry juice once a day for several weeks, the neurons in the brain seem more active, reducing the loss of cognitive functions such as making decisions or retrieving memories. It is important to begin drinking cherry juice on a regular basis as soon as possible rather than waiting until dementia develops.

Keep reading to uncover information on more cherry juice health benefits now.

May Help With Weight Loss


When individuals want to lose weight, it is vital to choose healthy beverages that offer the nutrients their body requires. Cherry juice contains vitamin A and C in addition to iron, calcium, and magnesium. Recent studies revealed tart cherry juice may help with weight loss by reducing the blood cholesterol in an individual's body along with preventing fat accumulation in the abdomen. By drinking cherry juice at least once a day, individuals can experience a reduction in their appetite. Individuals should, however, make sure to choose tart cherry juice not sweetened with any type of sugar or artificial sweeteners that can increase their appetite.

Consider more health benefits of cherry juice now.

May Reduce Severity Of Peripheral Neuropathy


Peripheral neuropathy is a medical condition that is often a complication from diabetes mellitus, but this health issue is also a result of some types of cancer treatments. It is also caused by injuries to the limbs or exposure to toxins. Peripheral neuropathy leads to discomfort in the feet or hands along with numbness, and it is most common in adults rather than children. Small servings of tart cherry juice may reduce the severity of peripheral neuropathy in only fourteen days, making this a great way to feel better. Prescription medications for peripheral neuropathy can cause side effects such as headaches, nausea, and diarrhea.

Learn more about the amazing ways in which cherry juice benefits health now.

Reduces Inflammation


Delicious cherry juice contains processed cherries with large amounts of antioxidants. Antioxidants are a type of nutrient that eliminates free radicals in the cells of the human body. This benefit from cherry juice reduces inflammation from conditions such as arthritis or fibromyalgia. These conditions cause pain in the cartilage of the joints along with stiffness in the muscles and tendons. Tart cherry juice contains more antioxidants than sweet cherry juice does, so individuals should read the labels on containers of juice carefully to choose the correct product. They should make sure to drink tart cherry juice each day for three weeks to enjoy its benefits.

Discover another health benefit linked to consuming cherry juice now.

May Help Fight Cancer


When individuals want to reduce their chances of having cancer, they should choose fruit juices that may help fight cancer with certain natural ingredients. Cherries contain polyphenols, which can prevent cancer in the body. Scientific studies have also revealed cherry juice has an assortment of antioxidant properties that can prevent the growth of cancerous tumors in the body’s tissues. Individuals would need to consume large amounts of raw cherries to get enough polyphenols, so it is a better option to drink tart cherry juice instead. They can drink cherry juice at breakfast or at other mealtimes, and it is also a refreshing drink during the day when feeling thirsty.

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