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13 Unique Habits To Keep You Healthy & Strong

While some people tend to “just get it” when it comes to forming healthy habits, others need a bit of guidance. It does not take much to make healthy lifestyle changes and some of them can even be fun. People with good health all have one thing in common: they never give up. They realize that bad days and even weeks or months happen, but that does not mean all hope is lost. Here are thirteen unique habits for a strong and healthy life.

Get Moving


Any physical activity is good for the body. Walking is just as effective as running for weight loss. Studies show it is even better for the heart than running long distances, which strains the heart muscles. Other forms of useful exercise include biking, swimming, dancing, and lifting weights. Make time for daily exercise or movement, but be sure not to overdo it. Physical activity needs to be something that is enjoyed enough to do it often without burning out.

Stay Positive


Bad times are non-negotiable in life. They happen to everyone. The one thing that can be controlled is how a person reacts to them. Look for the good in every situation, even if the initial reaction is less than desirable. A car accident is a good time to be thankful for being alive. A bad day at work is an opportunity to be thankful for having a job. There is always a positive spin on every situation. Try to find it.

Try Earthing


Earthing or grounding is a process in which a person walks barefoot on the soil, grass or sand. The goal is to connect the body with the earth. Although it sounds like a hipster trend without any real purpose, many scientific studies back its purported benefits. Earthing has been shown to reduce inflammation, anxiety, and depression, and improve sleep. It has also been shown to improve antioxidant levels in the body, which are necessary to remove toxins that cause inflammation, disease and weight gain.

Set Goals


Setting goals is an important part of being healthy. It gives one something to work toward. Otherwise, there is no way to judge improvements. Even small goals can be effective, such as walking past a fast food restaurant to eat a healthy homemade lunch in the park. Long-term goals are also important, such as losing ten pounds by the end of a season. Write down goals on paper and leave inspirational quotes on sticky pads to help you get through rough spots.

Eat Clean


When people say to “eat clean,” they mean to eat foods that are minimally processed or contain very few pesticides, added sugars, artificial colors, or chemical additives. Choosing organic fruits and vegetables is a great place to start. Some pesticides have been linked to neurological disorders while artificial colors, dyes, and sugars have been linked to attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders, especially in children. Go with foods that are minimally processed and search labels for hidden additives and other harmful ingredients.

Get Outdoors


Getting outdoors is the best way to boost vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is technically a hormone that the body soaks up from the sun through the skin. Being deficient in vitamin D has been linked to many major diseases, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and autoimmune disorders. Take exercise outdoors by going for a bike ride or reading a book in the park. Avoid applying sunscreen excessively as studies show that doing so can cause a vitamin D deficiency.

Live For A Purpose


Everyone has a higher calling or purpose that is just waiting to be discovered. There is no need to stay in an unhappy situation. Listen carefully to the voice inside when life changes direction. It may come in the form of a career or relationship change. Helping others is a good place to start. No one will ever go wrong when they give back. Be open to trying new adventures and make sure life is more than just going to work every day.

High-Intensity Workouts


Make every workout count by going hard. If time does not permit an extended workout, consider cranking up the intensity. Be sure to do a warm up first, such as eight to ten minutes of walking or jogging. Go hard for a few minutes before taking a short rest. Keep rest times short, so your heart rate does not drop. Higher intensity workouts are great for burning fat and they can be done with just about any type of exercise.

Do Breathing Exercises


Learning how to breathe properly is an excellent way to reduce stress. This enhances blood flow and circulation to all areas of the body, which increases focus and coordination. Take a few deep breaths when stress arises and hold the air in the lungs for several seconds before exhaling. Close your eyes and relax. Focus on nothing but breathing in and out. Learning how to meditate along with performing breathing exercises will enhance the stress-relieving effects.

Get Lots Of Rest


Sleep is an essential part of the recovery process. A lack of sleep has been associated with weight gain and cognitive dysfunctions such as memory loss and the inability to concentrate. Sleep deprivation is also just as dangerous as drunk driving when a tired person gets behind the wheel. Try going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time each day. Unplug all appliances two hours before bed and develop a relaxing bedtime routine that promotes relaxation.

Do Yoga Once A Week


Try taking a yoga class once every week to improve flexibility. If not, make time to give the body a good stretch at least once a week. Doing so will enhance circulation and get rid of any lingering muscle soreness from working out or any joint aches and pains. Invest in a yoga mat and set time aside to perform several exercises that target all the major muscle groups in the body. Consult an instructor or look up videos online for proper ways to stretch.

Be Present


Too many people allow the past to dictate their future. They let the things that happened to them years ago prevent them from living the life they want. Other people live too far into the future. They always look for the next thing to do instead of focusing on the moment. Be mindful when eating meals, while talking to a friend or partner or while at work. Take the time to make every bite, smile, laugh or good feeling last.

Stay Hydrated


Hydration is one of the most important things you can do for your health. The human body requires water for proper digestive and cognitive function, for hair and skin health and to boost the metabolism. Focus on drinking more water or herbal tea than any other beverage, especially caffeine or alcohol. A good rule of thumb is to drink one glass of water for every caffeinated or alcoholic beverage. Keeping a glass of water by the bed at night is a good way to wake up feeling refreshed.

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