Incredible Ways These Popular Superfoods Can Improve Your Overall Health

The term ‘superfood’ has been thrown around a lot in recent years. It refers to nutritionally dense food considered quite beneficial towards an individual’s health. It is important, however, to note there are no set criteria beyond this.

With this in mind, however, the food the public considers superfoods are so popular due to the status the label provides, and they are thought to be better than average when it comes to eating healthy. But many may not know what they are getting out of individual superfoods beyond general nutrients. The good news is you can better tailor your diet by reading about the most popular superfoods and the health benefits they provide now!

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds, found in most grocery stores, are small black seeds with a mild nutty flavor to them. Individuals use them in a wide variety of ways, including sprinkled raw into smoothies, on yogurt, or in a bowl of oatmeal. Many also find they are an excellent substitute for eggs in baking or a fantastic way to add more nutritional value to muffins, bread, and other baked goods.

What makes these tiny seeds one of the most popular superfoods is how much nutritional value they pack. A one-ounce serving includes eleven grams of fiber, four grams of protein, five grams of omega-3s, and eighteen percent of the recommended daily allowance of calcium. They also do not contain any sugar! Two significant health benefits of consuming the nutrients in chia seeds are a reduced risk of heart disease and diabetes. Many also claim chia seeds help promote a healthy complexion, a boost in overall energy, and is great support for weight loss.

What else tops the list of superfoods? Keep reading to find out!


Flaxseeds are quite similar to chia seeds in that they are also tiny seeds and people commonly use them in baking, in smoothies, and sprinkled over oatmeal or yogurt. However, they are widely consumed after being ground into a fine powder, as this is easier for the body to digest.

One tablespoon of ground flaxseeds includes 1.9 grams of fiber, 1.3 grams of protein, 1.6 grams of omega-3s, and two percent of the recommended daily allowance for each of the following: calcium, iron, folate, and potassium. Flaxseeds are also a source of lignans, which have been linked to potentially reducing the risk of cancer. Other health benefits include lowered cholesterol, reduced risk of heart disease, and lower blood pressure. Due to the fiber content, individuals can expect some aid in weight loss because of suppressed hunger, help in regulating blood sugar, and assistance in conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Besides seeds, what other foods are considered the most popular superfoods?


When it comes to lists of superfoods, kale seems to be on the list all the time and is almost always near the top of the list. It is a dark, leafy green vegetable similar to spinach and mustard greens. Of course, this means kale is incredibly popular in salads, though many individuals also choose to blend it into their morning smoothie.

For every cup of kale, there are 2.2 grams of protein, 1.3 grams of dietary fiber, 80.4 milligrams of vitamin C, one hundred twenty-one milligrams of omega-3s, and 92.4 milligrams of omega-6s. Individuals can also expect to get six percent of their recommended daily intake of iron, as well as nine percent of calcium and six hundred eighty-four percent of vitamin K, among many others. The fiber and antioxidants help lower an individual’s risk of diabetes. Potassium in kale also helps reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease and helps prevent kidney stones. Two other health benefits are fewer bone fractures thanks to vitamin K and calciumand iron-deficiency anemia prevention.

Keep reading for the superfood most have trouble pronouncing.


Quinoa, pronounced ‘keen-wah,’ appears near the top of every list of superfoods, just like kale. It is an excellent alternative for traditional whole grains such as rice and can even be included in savory baked goods.

Nutrients in one cup of cooked quinoa include eight grams of protein, five grams of fiber, thirty-nine grams of carbohydrates, as well as fifteen percent of the recommended daily intake of iron, nine percent of potassium, nineteen percent of folate, and thirteen percent of zinc. Thanks to the high amount of fiber, individuals can expect health benefits such as lower cholesterol, reduced blood sugar, as well as weight loss. It is also perfect for vegetarians and vegans as it is high in protein. It is also gluten-free, so it is a ideal alternative source for the nutrients found in traditional whole grains that include gluten.

Read on for a recent addition to popular superfoods.


Though it is a recent rising star on superfood lists, turmeric has been used in India for thousands of years and is why curry is often yellow. When it comes down to it, turmeric is perhaps the most beneficial nutritional supplement out there. Studies show it can reduce inflammation and pain relief (particularly for those suffering from arthritis), improve liver function as an antioxidant, may help treat cancer (specifically prostate and pancreatic), aid in digestion, and may lower blood pressure and cholesterol. It is important to note, however, that too much turmeric can irritate the stomach, so it is best to consume in lower doses. It can also thin out the blood, so those who take blood thinners should avoid high amounts as well.

Continue reading for information on a favorite dairy superfood.

Greek Yogurt

While regular yogurt can be quite healthy, Greek yogurt kicks things up a notch. There is an extra straining step when making Greek yogurt, which helps drain water, lactose, and minerals from it, and creates thicker yogurt with less sugar and more nutritional power on average than regular yogurt.

Though the exact amount varies based on the specific brand chosen, Greek yogurt has approximately twice the amount of protein than regular yogurt per serving. It is also an excellent source of probiotics, which help gut health and benefit the immune system. Its high calcium content helps boost bone and muscle strength, along with assisting with organ function. People need vitamin B12 for the formation of red blood cells and brain function, prevention of megaloblastic anemia, and the creation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Unfortunately, many are not getting enough, especially vegetarians, since this vitamin is naturally found in many animal products, which is why Greek yogurt is a vital superfood.


Avocados, a popular stone fruit, make the perfect addition to a smoothie, tastes great on toast, and have surprising uses in baked goods. According to the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) National Nutrient Database, one avocado includes four grams of protein, 13.5 grams of dietary fiber, twenty-four milligrams of calcium, 19.7 grams of monounsaturated fat, and 3.65 grams of polyunsaturated fat. Avocados are also a good source of many other nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C, and folate.

The fiber in avocados promotes healthy digestion, detoxification, reducing inflammation, and lowering the risk of serious health issues such as stroke, diabetes, coronary heart disease, and hypertension. Folate is linked to lowering the risk of some cancers (e.g., stomach, cervical, colon, and pancreatic), reducing the risk of miscarriage, and reducing the likelihood of depression. Consuming the healthy fats in avocados help keep individuals full, promote healthy skin, maintain stable levels of blood sugar thanks to slowing the body’s breakdown of carbohydrates, and may even improve the immune system. Continue reading for another powerhouse fruit on the list of popular superfoods.


Blueberries are an incredibly popular sweet fruit, and thanks to the abundance of nutrients they contain, are often considered a phenomenal superfood. Individuals can eat them alone, use them in baked goods, as part of a fruit salad, or a topping for yogurt, cereal, or oatmeal.

A one cup serving of ripe blueberries, according to the USDA’s National Nutrient Database, includes 4.1 grams of dietary fiber, seventy-six milligrams of potassium, and 3.6 milligrams of vitamin C. They are also an incredible source of antioxidants through flavonoids, specifically anthocyanins, which are part of a large ‘group’ called polyphenols. Anthocyanins help reduce DNA damage and prevent the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, which is considered the ‘bad’ cholesterol and a critical part of the progression towards heart disease. The antioxidants in blueberries have also been linked to improving brain function (e.g., memory) and improving insulin sensitivity. Add another berry superfood to this list by reading more.

Goji Berries

Goji berries are small, dried, red berries that have been used in Chinese medicine for centuries. They are sweet berries, and individuals can eat them raw, as juice or tea, or in baked goods and chocolate. They are also available in supplement form, though natural intake is always best.

According to the USDA’s National Nutrient Database, the average nutrients in one ounce of goji berries include four grams of protein, two grams of dietary fiber, sixty milligrams of calcium, and 17.1 grams of vitamin C. They also have extremely high levels of antioxidants, and as such function similar to blueberries in lowering cholesterol as well as inhibiting cancer growth and preventing free radicals from damaging collagen, resulting in healthier skin. Furthermore, they are also said to help in weight loss because their fiber content keeps individuals feeling full for longer and because they also have a low glycemic index.

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