10 Foods For Brighter Teeth And A Better Smile

It is common knowledge that eating certain foods can damage teeth and cause staining. Foods and beverages like wine, coffee, and berries can ruin a healthy smile. Luckily, there are also foods out there that can remove stains and improve a person’s overall oral health. Here are ten of the absolute best foods that can be used to whiten teeth naturally.


Cheese lovers are in luck as eating cheese helps ones teeth in more ways than one. It is full of phosphorus and calcium, which helps to re-mineralize teeth and gums. These types of beneficial properties help to insulate the mouth from harmful acids as well. Calcium contributes to strengthen bones and teeth, making them more resilient to unwanted damage. Additionally, cheese increases the pH levels inside the mouth, making it less acidic and reducing the risks of discoloration and tooth erosion. Even the act of chewing hard cheeses can benefit teeth as it increases saliva production and helps to wash away any harmful bacteria.


Everyone can benefit from drinking more water. Drinking water helps the body to stay hydrated and effectively prevents stains from sticking to the teeth. Water helps to get rid of bad bacteria and plaque that can cause cavities and discoloration. Drinking water after a meal also removes any leftover pieces of food that may be stuck on or between teeth, leading to cavities and other dental issues. Additionally, water reduces the mouth’s acidity levels which prevent further damaging tooth enamel. It is, however, recommended to avoid sparkling water at all costs because the carbonation in sparkling and seltzer water can erode tooth surfaces.


Broccoli has a ton of health benefits, both for the body and the teeth. This vegetable is in high in fiber, which helps to limit inflammation in the mouth and gums. Additionally, the crisp, crunchy nature of raw broccoli aids in cleaning teeth. It acts as a natural toothbrush, dislodging any food particles and essentially scrubbing the surface of the teeth clean. Plus, it is also high in iron which adds an extra protective layer on the teeth and keeping away bacteria that produces enamel destroying acids. Due to this fact, broccoli can be used to improve overall oral health and reduce both cavities and staining.


Though acidic foods are not typically recommended to improve oral health, pineapple is an exception to this rule. Pineapple contains a unique enzyme called bromelain, that acts natural stain remover and works to remove plaque from the teeth. Once this plaque is removed, the risk of tooth erosion and new cavities appearing greatly decreases. This, in turn, makes tooth enamel whiter and brighter and one's smile even healthier. Bromelain also has anti-inflammatory properties, which also work to improve gum health. Thanks to this helpful enzyme, pineapple is one of the best foods to consume for a whiter, brighter smile.


Surprisingly, strawberries are one of the best foods one can eat to whiten their teeth naturally, due to the fact that strawberries contain malic acid. Malic acid is a naturally occurring astringent that works as a bleaching agent on teeth. In fact, many commercial products that whiten teeth contain malic acid. Its inclusion is a testament to how well malic acid and strawberries work to whiten smiles. Strawberries also contain vitamin C that helps to remove plaque from teeth, especially on molars and other back teeth that are hard to reach with a toothbrush.

Fatty Fish

Salmon, tuna, mackerel, trout, and eel are all great examples of fatty fish. These, among others, are excellent sources of vitamin D. This vitamin plays a critical role in teeth and bone health as it assists in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Both these nutrients make teeth stronger, healthier, and more beautiful. On the flip side, one of the effects of a vitamin D deficiency is dry mouth. Additionally, dry mouth is linked to more serious oral health problems like tooth decay and gum disease. To protect their teeth, one must make sure they are getting enough vitamin D, through fatty fish or other sources.


Celery often gets a bad rap for being watery, bland, and otherwise not tasty. However, celery has an unknown whitening secret that lies in its crunchiness. Because this low-calorie treat is so crisp and fibrous, it scrubs away plaque the same way a naturally made toothbrush would. Celery scrapes bacteria and other food particles off of teeth, causing cavities and other dental issues. This vegetable also serves as a great source of both vitamin A and vitamin C, two vitamins that are crucial for gum health. Though it may not be the most appealing of vegetables, the benefits of celery are undeniable.


Another great food used to whiten a smile is yogurt. In fact, yogurt not only whitens teeth, but it also strengthens, making them much healthier. Much like cheese, yogurt is a dairy product that contains high levels of protein and calcium. Yogurt also contains probiotics, which are great for digestive health, oral health, boosting the immune system, and additional positive affects. Probiotic is just another word for good bacteria. When a person consumes yogurt, the good bacteria in it crowd out the harmful bacteria that cause cavities already located inside the mouth.


An apple a day truly does keep the doctor (and dentist) away. Even though most dentists would suggest staying away from sweet-tasting foods, apples are one of the few suggestions. Though apples contain natural sugars, they also hold many nutrients the human body needs to thrive. Apples contain a high water content, and they are also high in fiber. Because of an apple’s fibrous texture, the gums become stimulated. Plus, the simple act of eating an apple increases saliva production in the mouth, which washes away any food particles and bacteria that may be stuck on the teeth.


It is a common misconception that carrots are good for eyesight, so many would be happily surprised to learn how great they are for oral health. Much like apples and celery, carrots are chock full of both water and fiber. They are also incredibly crunchy, which means it requires more energy for people to chew them. By simply eating a few raw carrots after a meal, a person can boost their saliva production. As mentioned earlier, this washes away excess bacteria and leftover particles of food that can cause staining to ones teeth. Carrots also limit the risk of developing cavities.

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